Shades of Red

Shades of Red by K. C. Dyer Page B

Book: Shades of Red by K. C. Dyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. C. Dyer
Tags: History, JUV000000
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“Okay, okay, I’ll try to keep it to myself.”
    Kate yawned hugely. “I am so ready for a nap,” she said, rubbing her eyes. “A person can take only so much anxiety, you know.” She stood up.
    â€œWhat’s that?” Darrell turned to peer down one of the passages. Delaney lifted his head and cocked one of his ears.
    â€œThere’s a light.” Kate looked like she was ready to run. “We’d better get out of here.”
    Brodie put his hand on Kate’s arm. “Just a second.”
    The beam of light broadened, and from around the curve in the passage appeared Paris, his hair glowing the faintest lavender in the thin light.
    â€œThought so,” muttered Brodie.
    â€œSheesh — you really know how to scare a guy,” said Paris, his voice hoarse. “I’ve been searching down here for hours, yelling my fool head off.”
    Darrell laughed nervously. “I’m so sorry Paris.” She swallowed. “We’ve been — we’ve been looking for you, too.”
    Kate sat back down with a shaky sigh. “How long have we been lost?” she asked.
    Paris directed the beam onto his watch. “A little more than two hours,” he said. He bent down and ruffled Delaney’s fur. “I thought I’d be able to find you for sure, boy,” he said and directed his flashlight upward. “What happened back there? Where did that wind come from? It was almostlike it blew you all right out of here. By the time I got the dust out of my eyes I couldn’t find you anywhere.”
    â€œYeah,” Darrell shot a significant glance at Kate. “We got separated, too. Just found each other a few minutes ago.”
    Kate nodded. “Yup. How ’bout that wind, anyway?” She lifted an eyebrow at Brodie. “You’re the expert underground. Maybe you can tell us how a hurricane like that can blow through a tunnel this far from the edge of the ocean.”
    Brodie curled his lip at her, and Kate grinned.
    â€œBeats me,” he said, finally. “But I think we should get out of here before it happens again.”
    â€œMe too,” said Paris, though he shot a strange glance at Darrell. Delaney trotted up the first few steps and then paused to wait for the rest of the group to follow. “Your dog sure seems comfortable down here,” said Paris.
    Darrell looked at him sharply, disturbed by the tone of his voice. “I don’t know what you mean,” she said lightly. “Delaney is always the same, happy to go for a walk anywhere.”
    â€œReally?” Paris echoed. He gestured for Brodie and Kate to pass, and when they did, he put his hand on Darrell’s arm. “I think we need to talk,” he said quietly.
    Darrell looked carefully into his face in the dimglow of the flashlight. “You might be right,” she said with a sigh, then followed the group up the treacherous stone steps.

    The flames were burning and someone was dragging her closer. She could feel the pull on her shoulder — smell the burning flesh. She opened her mouth to scream ...
    â€œMy goodness, dear. It’s only a bad dream.”
    Darrell opened her eyes to the placid face of Mrs. Follett. She sat up in bed, befuddled. “Mrs. Follett? What are you doing here?”
    â€œWell, it
eleven o’clock. I know it’s a Sunday and you young folks need your rest, but I thought I should wake you as there is a call from your mother in the Middle East.”
    Darrell flipped over onto her stomach and reached under the bed for her prosthesis. Three days back from the journey to Inquisition-torn Lisbon and she still hadn’t caught up on her sleep. “Thanksfor coming to get me, Mrs. Follett. I’ll be down right away.”
    â€œDon’t worry dear, your mother told me she would call back in fifteen minutes, so you have time to get dressed.” Mrs. Follett bustled over to the

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