Shades of Moonlight

Shades of Moonlight by Stephanie Julian Page B

Book: Shades of Moonlight by Stephanie Julian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Julian
Tags: Erótica
Gabriel’s statement. “I do.”
    “So does my mate. I think you two should talk sometime. You’re staying with Race at the den?”
    He couldn’t help the hitch in his breath as he waited for her to answer. But she never hesitated. “Yes.”
    And when her arm tightened around his waist, he wanted to lay a kiss on her that would take her breath away. Instead he forced himself to settle for hugging her just a little bit closer.
    “Then we’ll be sure to set something up.” Gabriel turned to Race again, his expression turning badass. “Quinn and I’ll take care of the mess. We’re starting to get some funny looks from the natives. You and Mara take your brother home.”
    Race looked down at her. “Are you ready to go?”
    She smiled up at him. “I’m ready to go anywhere with you.”
    * * * * *
    Lark was no worse for wear, but he was furiously embarrassed about being taken by the Mal .
    Their mom began to cry and clung to Lark as if he’d just returned home from a war. Their dad hugged them both then tried not to let them see he had tears in his eyes.
    Arin took it all in with wide eyes while he clung to Mara’s neck.
    By the time everyone had settled down, Race was ready to head home. He wanted Mara and Arin in his domain, surrounded by his pack. Protected on all sides.
    Lark promised to come to the den the next day to talk to Cole and Dorian. His parents said they’d come along. His mom made a point of saying she was anxious to see Mara and Arin again, and Mara’s sweet smile in return made his chest ache.
    By the time they returned to the den, that ache had transferred to a part of his anatomy lower on his body but it was too soon to put Arin to bed.
    “Would you like something to eat?” Mara asked as he closed the front door behind him. “I’m not much of a cook but I can boil water for pasta. Sauce will be out of a jar though.”
    She looked exhausted but he knew if he told her to go to bed, she’d fight him. “How about I help you with dinner? If you’ve got canned tomatoes, I can make a decent sauce.”
    From the counter, Arin babbled away in his carrier, content for the moment with stuffing his hands in his mouth.
    “A man who can cook.” She threw him a wry grin over her shoulder as she dug around in the cabinets and started pulling out cans. “Be still my heart.”
    “My mom taught me well.”
    “I like your parents. They seem very…”
    She started to fill a pot with water. “Yes. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like you.”
    Race let her statement slide by him for the moment as he put the sauce together from ingredients in her pantry. “We’re going to need to go shopping. Your cupboards are pretty bare.”
    “Does that mean you’re going to be spending more time here?”
    “I thought I made that clear.”
    She nodded but didn’t say anything more as they continued to work side by side then shared a meal. They avoided talking about what had happened earlier, about the fact that the father of her child had tried to steal her and Arin away. He knew eventually they’d have to deal with it but for now, this was nice. Normal. He could get used to this. Wanted to get used to this. Wanted Mara to get used to this.
    By the time they were finished, it was time for Arin’s bath and bed. Poor guy must have been tired because he went down without a whimper and was out like a light only minutes later.
    Leaving him and Mara alone on the couch.
    He wondered if he’d always have to make the first move or if she’d eventually be comfortable enough to come to him.
    That question was answered when she straddled his lap seconds after he sat beside her.
    He tried not to grab her ass and drag her forward but he couldn’t quite rein himself in. She came without hesitation, her arms around his neck, her lips only inches away from his, her pelvis pressed against his thickening cock.
    He smiled and watched her lips curve in return.
    “You want to talk about what happened

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