Sexual Reawakening - 10 Simple Steps

Sexual Reawakening - 10 Simple Steps by Dr. Erica Goodstone Page A

Book: Sexual Reawakening - 10 Simple Steps by Dr. Erica Goodstone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dr. Erica Goodstone
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the effect will be most
powerful if you complete the entire process in one session.  Have your journal
or some plain white paper and a pen or pencil ready before you begin.

Factors That Affected Your Sexuality
    You are about to review your own sexual history.  This
exercise may stir up feelings and memories you didn't even know you had.  Have
tissues nearby if you begin to cry.  Have a pillow nearby to punch if you feel
angry. In your journal or on a sheet of  paper, write your answers to the questions.
After completing each section, close your eyes and reflect upon that aspect of
your sexual history.
    The first, and probably most significant step along the
path toward sexual reawakening  is to examine your current life, the way it is
right now, not the way you wish it was, not the way you hope it will become,
but the way it truly is right now.  For some of us this is the most difficult
step.  If your style is to make excuses, blame others for your problems or deny
that you have any problems at all, this first step may be hard for you to
comprehend.  However, with persistence and the willingness on your part to tell
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth -- at least to yourself
at first -- you may be surprised to discover how quickly your life begins to

Where Are You Right Now?
Current Relationship Status
And Sexual Lifestyle
    Close your eyes.
    Take a few slow, deep, easy, and quiet breaths.
    As you inhale, allow your breath to fill your body
cells and relax your muscles.
    As you exhale, allow the tensions of your body and the
concerns of your mind to dissolve.

Your Current Lifestyle
    What is your current living
    Living with an intimate partner,
    Living with your parents or other relatives,
    Living in a room in your parent's home with a private
    Living with a non-intimate roommate,
    Living alone?
    Are you financially independent?
    Sharing expenses,
    Relying on someone else's income to support you?
    Where do you live?
    What are your current home
and work environments like for you?
    What is your current
financial situation?
    What is your daily activity
and stress level?
    What is your typical daily
    How much and what kind of
exercise do you regularly do?
    What types of drugs do you
regularly take and how have these affected you?
    Prescription or recreational
    Vitamins or herbs
    Do you have any unhealthy or
compulsive habits
    Smoking cigarettes,
    Drinking alcohol,
    Overeating, dieting,
    Overspending, gambling,
    Sexual compulsions?
    How have the above factors
affected your life and your sexuality?
    Have any aspects of your
lifestyle changed?
    What caused the change?
    How does your current
lifestyle affect your life and your sexuality?
    Close your eyes and reflect
upon your responses.

Your Gender Identity And Gender Roles
    Are you satisfied with being male or female?
    Do you ever wish you could be the other sex?
    What do you believe males should do or be?
    What do you believe females should do or be?
    Do you fit your own idea of the way men or women should be and
what they should do?
    Do you fit what you believe is the way men or women should be
in this society?
    Has your satisfaction with being male or female changed?  How?
 When?  What caused the change?
    Have your beliefs about male or female roles and behaviors
changed? How? When? What caused the change?
    How have your satisfaction with your gender and gender roles
affected your life and your sexuality?
    Close your eyes and reflect upon your responses.

Your Health
Physical, Emotional, Sexual, And Spiritual
    Have you had any illnesses?
    Aches and pains?
    Other physical problems?
    In the past?
    Has your physical health changed?
    What caused the change?
    How has your physical health affected your life and
your sexuality?
    Have you had any emotional

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