Sex on Summer Sabbatical

Sex on Summer Sabbatical by Stacey Lynn Rhodes Page A

Book: Sex on Summer Sabbatical by Stacey Lynn Rhodes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Lynn Rhodes
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front of me, I’m going to think… Well, I don’t know what I’ll think, but I want to see you come. Come on,” she encouraged. “Come on me.”
    Fuck it. He knelt up and shoved his pants down, raking his hard cock in the process, though he was so far gone the discomfort didn’t faze him in the least. He moved the hand he’d been fingering her with to delve once more into her wet pussy then used that to lubricate his erection.
    Watching her rapt face as she gazed alternately between his eyes and his hand on his cock was all he needed. With less than a dozen strokes, he was coming, jetting cum onto her bare abdomen, filling her belly button and streaking her with his release.
    She reached down to rub it onto her skin and he shuddered one more time, panting.
    “Looks like I’ll need another shower,” she teased huskily.
    He ran his hand over his sweat-slickened chest, enjoying how hungrily she watched its progress, then grinned. “I think I do, too.” He leant down and added in a whisper, “But not nearly as long as my usual ones.”

Chapter Twelve

    It was almost brutal going back to reality after their trip, and it wasn’t like Tori even had to go back to work. She couldn’t imagine having to go back to her usual job after such a mellow and relaxing trip.
    They had turned in the rental car and gone through security, and were sitting in the terminal waiting for their flight when Tori’s phone rang. She was startled—no one had called her cellphone the whole trip except for Adam once when he’d been at the ABC Store to ask whether she’d like dark or milk chocolate when he’d seen a good deal on chocolate-covered macadamia nuts. She hoped nothing was wrong with her parents.
    After scrambling a bit to get it from her purse, she answered hurriedly, “Hello?”
    “Victoria? Are you avoiding me?”
    At the sound of the familiar but not exactly welcome voice she sat back and checked the display to confirm that, yes, it was Terrence. “No, I’m not avoiding you. I’m on vacation.”
    “I know, but come on… This is an important lunch and I figured the funding was worth a few hours of your time—”
    “Wait, what? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Tori frowned, trying to hear Terrence over the gate attendant as she made an announcement.
    “I put it all in the emails.”
    “What emails? Look, Terrence, when I said I was on vacation, I didn’t just mean my sabbatical. I meant I’m in Hawaii at the moment.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Adam turn his head towards her. She looked at him and shrugged.
    Terrence moaned dramatically. “Oh no. Freaking Hawaii? Jesus, Victoria, could you have picked a worse time to spread your wings?”
    She closed her eyes, striving for patience. “Look, pretend I have no clue what you mean, since that’s exactly what the case is, and tell me from the beginning why you’re calling me, what was in the emails and what lunch?”
    Terrence sighed and paused for a moment. “Okay, so I emailed you a few days ago because a few key people in our division have been invited by the powers that be to attend a work lunch. I mean, these people are all the way up in the adminisphere, the ones who control the budget for our line. You were on the shortlist to attend, but of course you’re off work. Still, we could really use you there to talk up our line and, well… It would be a good thing. So I was asked to see if you’d come even though you’re on sabbatical. And now you’re in Hawaii and rumour has it that there are cuts coming and we don’t want to be on the chopping block.”
    Tori frowned, suddenly worried about the funding for her experiments being cut. “When is the lunch?”
    “Tomorrow…” Tori pulled her phone away from her ear to check the time then looked at her boarding pass. Doing some quick mental math, she said cautiously, “I don’t want you to get excited, but I might be able to make it. I’m actually flying home

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