Serena's Submission
stood and made his way over to her, desperate to get to her before one of the other Doms decided that they too wanted her.

Chapter Two
    Serena was unprepared for the sights that greeted her when she entered Club Erebus. Her internet research into the BDSM scene should have given her a glimmer of insight, but reading about it and witnessing it were two entirely different things, and a jolt of shock spiked through her at the public nakedness and humiliation that was being played out in various forms. She tried to regain her composure before her obvious nervousness singled her out. As she took a deep, hesitant breath and prepared to enter the lion’s den, her gaze alighted on a tall, handsome man who was striding purposefully in her direction.
    Serena had never seen a more attractive man and the sight of him had her rooted to the spot. Her pulse thundered in her ears as she followed his progress towards her, drinking in the sight of his hard, powerful chest and his muscles rippling under the white cotton of his shirt. His powerful legs were encased in black leather pants that clung to him like a second skin, his hair curled just above his collar and his olive complexion was darkened by the stubble on his strong, chiselled jaw. As he drew level with her his brown eyes bored into hers with a piercing intensity that had her breath hitching and her pulse racing. Everything about him screamed intimidating masculinity and she knew without a doubt that he was a Dominant. The realisation sent a sharp thrill of excitement zipping through her.
    Serena looked up at him and grew increasingly anxious under his intense gaze as she waited for him to speak. When he did, his voice so perfectly matched his physique—deep and powerful—that the effect took her breath away.
    “I’m Aaron Blue. Come with me.”
    It was spoken as a command and he brooked no arguments as he took Serena’s arm and led her across the floor to a private booth.
    Once they were seated Aaron turned his piercing brown eyes on her once more until she shivered under his scrutiny.
    “You are obviously new here. Does anyone own you?” Those words, so casually spoken as if she were a pet, left her momentarily speechless.
    Serena finally found her voice. “I’m Serena Davies, yes, I am new here and no, I do not have an owner—as you so inelegantly put it.”
    “You took a big risk coming here alone, baby—do you have any idea how dangerous some of the kinky Doms who haunt this club can be to the uninitiated? You must know someone in order to have gained entry.”
    “A friend is in the scene. He arranged it for me.”
    His eyebrows quirked in surprise and he leaned towards her. “Now why would you want to come here in the first place? A submissive with no protector is a dangerous position to be in.”
    Serena’s breath hitched at his close contact and the feel of his hot breath against her ear.
    “How do you know that I’m not a Dominant? What makes you so sure that I’m submissive?”
    His lips twitched in amusement. “I can tell just by looking at you that you’re a submissive, baby,” he whispered as he ran a finger down the side of her face.
    At his touch and his words Serena felt desire coil hot and strong in her belly. Male pheromones oozed from his very pores, making her near to panting for him. She had never before reacted so readily to a man and the strength of the feeling surprised her.
    Serena gathered her composure and launched into her cover story.
    “I’m checking out the scene. My friend doesn’t make a secret that he comes here and I was intrigued. I asked him to assist me with entry into the club so I could experience the lifestyle for myself, to see if it is something”—she waved a hand in the air as she tried to explain—“that I would like to participate in,” she finished.
    “I’m surprised your friend didn’t insist on accompanying you. As I’ve already said, it was risky for you to come here alone.”
    He continued to caress

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