Seeking Prince Charming
tossed the remote back onto the coffee table and grabbed a beer.
    “That’s where I have you beat. There was no picture.” He sat back, taking a drink, waiting for his friend’s reaction. This oughtta to be good , he thought, amused, as his friend’s expression took on one of disbelief.
    “Are you fucking with me? Out of all the girls who would love to go out with you, you’re going on a date with some chick you don’t even have a remote idea what she looks like? She’s going to be either some wrinkled-up cougar looking for a young piece of ass or a really, really big girl… Not that there’s anything wrong with that. They just aren’t my thing.”
    Reed laughed. Corey was such a vain son-of-a-bitch.
    “Come on man. We’re good looking guys on the lacrosse team. Ask out one of the cheerleaders. That redhead is fucking wild in the sack from what I hear. And I noticed her eyeing you during the last game.”
    “Maybe I’m looking for something a little more substantial than a quick lay. This chick seems to get me. And she’s going to be attending our college for the winter semester. If this works out it’ll be great. She and her roommate just moved here a couple of months ago and, get this, she’s from my hometown.” He shrugged. “Maybe I knew her. That would be cool. Even if it didn’t work out, we could at least catch up.”
    “Well, if she was from your hometown then why didn’t you get her name? You could have at least Googled her.”
    “Because it’s against the rules of the site. The whole site is based around the fact that you are to get to know the person for who they are before you know what they look like. You know, see what’s inside before judging the outside.”
    “Yeah, but what if what’s inside is 300 pounds of fat?”
    “You’re impossible, man.”
    Corey looked at him, his expression grim. “No, you’re insane. Don’t come complaining to me when Dogface starts stalking you.” He downed the remainder of his beer and grabbed a second from the coffee table, pulling open the tab.
    Reed laughed. “You’re such a dick. No wonder you can’t keep a girlfriend.”
    Corey snorted. “I don’t want a girlfriend. I’m not tying myself down until I’m old and flaccid.”
    “No woman will want you once you’re old and flaccid.”
    Corey shrugged. Losing interest in the conversation, he redirected his attention to the football game.
    Oh my god, what if Abagail is right? What if this guy is some sort of perv or… Okay, no. I’m not going to think like this. It’s going to be all right. Chloe looked at the coffee shop from the driver’s seat of her car. She was supposed to meet her mystery man at 1pm. She’d been sitting there for over half an hour watching for a single man to enter wearing a red scarf. With each minute that grew closer to the time they were to meet her nervousness increased.
    What if he’s standing me up? Maybe he’s doing the same thing as I am, waiting to see the girl with the red scarf. If he doesn’t like what he sees he’ll just stand me up. The thought didn’t help her nervousness, not one iota.
    She looked down at her watch. It was currently 12:55pm. Chloe looked back up in time to see the back of a tall, lean, blonde-haired man entering the coffee shop, the tail end of the red scarf he was wearing flying behind him. The coffee shop had tinted windows so the patrons could see out, but you couldn’t see in. It wouldn’t be until she actually walked into the coffee shop that she’d get a full view of her date for the day.
    With a sigh, Chloe slumped back into the car seat. She wasn’t stood up. But a new terror struck her; now that he was in the coffee shop he’d be able to watch every step she took until she got into the shop, scrutinizing every inch of her in her dark blue jeans and black turtleneck, and of course the red scarf.
    You’re overthinking this. Just fucking do it , she coached herself, grabbing open the car door and

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