Seek and Destroy

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Book: Seek and Destroy by Allie K. Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allie K. Adams
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waste of talent."
        He looked at her with a spiked brow.
        "I'm good, really good. I found you when NASSD couldn't. I can dig up anything on anyone. If the information exists, I can find it."
        He shook his head, let out a laugh. "You ICE agents sure are full of yourself. I'm surprised you fit into your little dress with an ego that size."
        She wanted to throw her wine in his face. Talk about arrogance. "Me? I'm simply stating a fact."
        "Fine," he conceded. "So you're good at what you do."
        "From what I hear, we both are."
        He threw a harsh laugh back at her. "It didn't stop NASSD from selling me down the river. What's to stop them from doing it again once they get whatever it is they need out of me?"
        "Do you think SD Weber would seriously do that?"
        "I didn't think he'd do it to me the first time." His comment bit into her, his harsh, hurtful tone telling her more than the words. SD Weber's decision to temporarily transfer him to ICE hurt him to the core and, no doubt, challenged their friendship.
        Shaking his head, he lost all expression and lifted his gaze off to the distance with a deep sigh. After several paralyzing seconds, he spoke softly. "I gave NASSD ten years. They gave me ten seconds in return." He lowered his gaze to hers. "That's how long it took Weber to decide to transfer me."
        "I'll fight for you," she heard herself say. What did she just say? What did that even mean?
        One side of his lip twitched. "Why would you do that?"
        Not having enough sense to lie, she started in. "Because I believe what NASSD did to you, what they do to all their agents seriously injured in the field, is wrong. You think I enjoy taking in bitter field ops agents? Half of them can't even turn on a computer, let alone search and recover any type of top-secret information. I'm tired of taking whoever NASSD says we can have without asking us if we even want them."
        The twitch in his lip grew to both sides. "And how do you propose we change that?"
         Wink . "We start with you," she replied.
        "Me?" David bounced back, clearly puzzled.
        "Go back to Seattle with me," she urged. "Tell Weber exactly how it feels to be treated the way he treated you."
        He shook his head.
        "He needs to know, David."
        "He already does." He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Weber is my best friend-well, was . He wouldn't throw me out unless he had reason to." Charis watched his eyes cloud. It was as if he made the realization right there and then.
        "I would never turn my back on you," she purred, barely audible.
        Her comment broke him of his melancholy. "What was that?"
        Oh no. Did she just say that out loud? Damn wine. She should have stopped after her first glass. "I didn't say anything."
        "Now, come on." He smiled that debilitating smile at her, weakening her defenses. "It sounded like you said-"
        "Nope." She hid her eyes, at first. But she stole a glance his way from underneath her lashes. "Wasn't me."
        He grinned at her. "You'll have to do better than that." He looked over her shoulder and muttered a curse before losing his smile and sinking down in his chair. Obviously repositioning himself to hide from whoever just walked into the room, he brought his attention back to her.
        "What are you doing?" She tried to turn around to see who he attempted to hide from.
        "Just turn around and keep talking," he ordered.
        She turned back around. "But-"
        "Just..." He clenched his teeth and shrank down in his chair even farther. "Talk to me."
        "Why should I do you any favors?" She threw his words back at him.
        "How about this? You keep me busy for a while and I'll owe you one." He reached over and took her wine glass, emptying the contents with one swallow. He set the glass down and riveted his eyes to

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