Seducing Simon
Simon slammed his beer back on the bar. “That’s it.” He surged forward, A.J.
    chuckling behind him.

    Seducing Simon
    “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
    “Shut the hell up, A.J. Toni’s your friend too. Start acting like you give a damn.”
    A.J. caught his arm and swung him around, his eyes blazing. “If you care for her so much, you’d pull your head out of your ass and get a clue.”
    “What the hell are you talking about?” Had the entire world gone crazy? Toni hanging out with Mike. A.J. acting like he had a bug up his ass. Matt was the only normal one left, and he existed in his own little world anyway.
    Before A.J. could continue, he heard Toni’s voice call out. “Simon?
    A.J.? What are you guys doing here?”
    “You’re in for it now,” A.J. said in a low voice.
    “Toni?” He actually managed to inflect genuine surprise in his voice as he walked toward the pool table. “What on earth are you doing here?” She frowned slightly, but damn, she still looked beautiful. The slight bulge of her stomach barely peeked out of the swirls of her shirt. The material gathered tightly around her breasts, emphasizing the gentle swell at the neckline.
    “The question is what are you doing here? I didn’t realize you came in here much.”
    “I don’t. Well I do, but not all the time,” he amended quickly.
    “I haven’t seen you in here for at least a year,” Mike said casually.
    He glared at Mike then glanced back at Toni, irritated that Mike had slipped an arm around her waist.
    “You shouldn’t be here, Toni. If Mike had any sense, he’d have you home in bed.”
    “Now there’s a thought,” Mike said with barely disguised amusement.

    Maya Banks
    “Over my dead body,” Simon growled. “Toni’s not your next one night stand.”
    Toni stepped forward, anger sparking in her soft brown eyes. “I think that’s enough, Simon. What Mike and I do or don’t do is none of your business.”
    He flinched. It was the truth, and he was making a royal ass of himself. But damn it, what on earth had gotten into Toni? First she got pregnant and was as tightlipped as a clam about the father and then she started making rounds with the bed hoppingest guy in Cypress.
    “You’re right. It is none of my business. But I’m concerned about you, Toni. If you won’t take care of yourself, someone has to.” She flushed a dull red. Embarrassment clouded her eyes, and he immediately regretted his outburst. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. “You weren’t so concerned once your little girlfriend called,” she snapped.
    “Starla? What the hell does she have to do with this?” Her lips compressed in a thin line. Then she looked up at Mike. “Can you take me home?” Her soft voice wavered, and Simon mentally kicked himself again.
    “You okay?” Mike asked in a low voice, but Simon heard him clearly.
    He didn’t like the inference that he had upset her. But even A.J. was looking at him in disgust.
    “Toni,” Simon began, but she was no longer looking at him. Mike shouldered by him, his hand at the small of Toni’s back.
    “Nice going, Andrews,” Mike muttered.
    Simon closed his eyes and clenched his fists beside him. What the hell was happening to him? He was turning into a first class turd.
    “Well. That was a success,” A.J. said as Toni and Mike left the pool hall.

    Seducing Simon
    “Cut the sarcasm, A.J. I know I was an ass.”
    “That you were. If you’re done making an ass of yourself, can we go home now?”
    “Yeah, whatever.” He stalked toward the door, feeling like a complete moron. He’d rather spend the next twelve hours fighting a damn fire than go home and face Toni upset.

    “So, I’ll see you Saturday?” Mike asked as Toni slid from his truck.
    She attempted a smile though her mind was whirling. “Yeah. And thanks for tonight. I really did have fun.”
    “No problem. I think your boy is contemplating the funny farm at the moment.”

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