Seduced by Two Warriors

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Book: Seduced by Two Warriors by Ravenna Tate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ravenna Tate
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slowly. “It’s all starting to fit together. This has been planned for a
while now, but the people don’t know about it.”
Vaughn and River’s brainchild, but Jakara had a hand in it, too. They didn’t
want to say anything until the Regum were on board.
Fallon, Cord, and Arlo had a lot to do with that, as did Cortez.”
eyed them both for a few seconds. “And was your part in this ever a question?
By that I mean , were you already on board should it
become reality?”
both said “yes” at the same time.
    Here comes the hard part . “So what happens to me?”
mean while we’re gone?” asked Thane.
    “Yes.” And afterwards .
up to you. Fallon will still be working at the Ministry, and we need you there,
too. You can live in our condo, or she’s offered to let you move into the house
she shares with Cord and Arlo so you’re not alone.”
nodded. “Yes.”
talked it through that much with them, but not with me?”
face fell, and guilt consumed her. She’d agree to forgive and forget that part. “Never mind. Okay. What’s my other option?”
can stay here,” said Rune. “There’s no reason you can’t do your Ministry work
remotely. But if you do, Fallon will likely stay here, too. She doesn’t want to
be alone while we’re all gone anymore than you do.” They exchanged a quick
glance. “That is to say … I mean … I’ve assumed a lot here. We both have.”
blinked a few times as Rune’s meaning suddenly became clear. “Are you kidding
me? You both thought I wouldn’t miss you, or worry about you while you’re gone?
I’m going out of my mind already and you haven’t even left. Of course I’ll be
worried. And no, I don’t want to be alone. I’ll move in with Fallon or stay
here, whatever she wants to do.”
air in the room changed. Their relief was obvious, and it surprised her. Had
they really been as unsure about her feelings toward them as she was about
theirs for her? “I guess we have more to talk about than the mission.”
didn’t want to assume anything,” said Rune.
moved closer to her, and she inhaled his scent. “But we’ve come to really care
about you, Gia.” He brushed a finger along her arm, and she shivered. “More
than we should.”
more than you should?” Her voice came out all breathy, but how could she help
    “Because we have no claim on you. No right to ask you to wait for
His answer echoed her own thoughts all day. “I was
thinking I had no right to ask you to come back to me.”
moved closer now, and he cupped her face gently. “There isn’t any place else we
want to be. You’ve crawled under our skin so deeply, we can’t let you go now. You’re stuck with us, beautiful.”
swallowed hard at the intensity of his gaze. These two were everything she’d
ever dreamed of when she tried to imagine the perfect man to fall in love with.
Well, other than the facts that there were two of them, and they weren’t from
Earth, of course. But did that matter anymore? They knew her deepest, darkest
fears and had managed to take the sting out of them. How, she still had no
clue. But they had.
then they’d taken her to heights of pleasure she’d never known existed. How
could she give that up? How could she give them up?
couldn’t. And she didn’t want to.
pulled her shift over her head and tossed it onto the floor. The cool night air
caused goosebumps to break out over her naked body, but she knew they’d have
her warm in seconds. She moved toward them, and Rune caught her in his arms
first. A loud moan escaped her throat as he eased her back onto the bed and
crawled on top of her.
kissed her like he might never do it again, and then he slipped his dick into
her pussy. She clung to his body while he fucked her, slowly. When she sensed
Thane move closer to

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