Seduced by Lies
    Rose squeezed my hand. "We'll go."
    "We'll stay with Drake," I said at the same time.
    We faced each other.
    "I want to stay too," she said, "but Drake would want us to go. He'd want Ryder judged."
    "Then it can wait until after the transformation." I wanted Ryder punished, but I wasn't going to make him a priority over Drake.
    "No," said the bishop. "We must start soon. When Ryder fails to contact the council, they will wonder where he has gone. If they discover we have kept him prisoner without informing them of why, they will hunt us."
    Rose fidgeted, looking from Drake back to the bishop. "How long do we have?"
    "We should leave tomorrow," he said. "Once everyone has rested."
    My muscles tensed. "Contact the council. Tell them they'll have to wait."
    The bishop smirked. "They wait for no one."
    "They'll wait for me," I said, a low growl in my throat.
    The bishop raised his hands. "You'll put this school in danger."
    "You've already done that by coming here and bringing this monster," I reminded him.
    Sam spoke up from over Drake's body. "We're fine here." She glared at me, of course reading my mind. "Go. Make sure he's punished for what he's done to my husband."
    I wanted to argue, was about to argue, but how could I? This was what she wanted, what Drake would want if he was conscious. "Fine. We'll go tomorrow."
    The room suddenly felt too small, too claustrophobic. Drake choking on blood. Alaric gloating over his win. Toby, Sam and Father Patrick looking ready to cry if this didn't work. Beleth bleeding out blood too dark to be human.
    I walked to the door, Rose with me, when Sam's voice filled my mind.
    Make sure he pays.

Give Me That Man

    Give me that man

    That is not passion's slave, and I will wear him
    In my heart's core, ay, in my heart of heart,

    As I do thee.
    — William Shakespeare, Hamlet
    "MAYBE DEREK IS right. Maybe we shouldn't be leaving Drake and Sam right now." Clothes littered my bed as Ocean tore through my closet and dresser looking for something 'decent' for me to wear in Rome.
    Basically, she packed my skimpiest, more 'indecent' clothing, while I unpacked them and packed more reasonable choices.
    Hope, the only remaining puppy of my loyal companion, Sandy, and my wedding present from Derek, jumped onto the bed and licked my face vigorously, forcing me to stop and pet her.
    Ocean cocked her hip, her long red hair falling down her chest in spirals. "That husband of yours is most definitely not right about this. Not only do you need to make sure Ryder is punished for what he did, but you two also need some time alone. This is a perfect opportunity to steal a mini-vay while away."
    "A mini-vay ? I don't think that's a real word." Despite my mood, I couldn't help but smile at my best friend, who always put a positive spin on everything.
    "A mini vacation," she said, rolling her eyes as she threw more clothes into my suitcase.
    Hope found a new distraction across the room, and I tossed out a skimpy sundress and packed another pair of jeans. Ocean scowled at me and shoved the dress back in. "You'll thank me for this, I promise you. Hope and I are going to have grand walks while you're off on your vacation."
    Since she had been the one to dress me for my first dates with Derek, I gave in to a few of her demands, but still kept my jeans.
    "I think Derek wants to kill him." My hands froze over my carry-on as I spoke my fears out loud for the first time.
    Ocean sat on the bed and looked at me, her green eyes wide and serious. "So do I. But does that mean he deserves to die?"
    "That's what I want to figure out," I said.
    "You do that," she said, grabbing my makeup case. "I'll do your makeup."

    We pulled up to a private airstrip after an uncomfortably quiet drive from Elysium. The Church had sent an armored truck to transport Ryder while Derek, Bishop Alaric and I sat in the back of a limo avoiding eye contact with each other.
    Armed security, also

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