Secrets of the Last Nazi

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Book: Secrets of the Last Nazi by Iain King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iain King
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police report say about the property?’
    Heike-Ann scanned it again, half-shaking her head, as though it was all trivial. ‘Dates of previous incidents.’ She pointed to a small table on the paper. ‘Three break-ins, all reported by Mr Stolz. Here are the dates, and the action taken by the police.’
    Myles realised these were probably the most significant facts in the document. ‘Well, how did the police respond?’
    ‘Er …’ Heike-Ann was reading from the list. ‘First time … they interviewed the occupant – Mr Stolz. Stolz confirmed nothing had been taken. They advised the occupant on household security. Second time … the same. Third time … they interviewed Mr Stolz, again. This time, Stolz said he had to leave his apartment while the burglar was there.’ Heike-Ann scanned the document to make certain there was nothing else. ‘Yes. That’s all.’
    Myles tried to understand what they had just learned. ‘So here’s Stolz. Very rich, but living in a ground floor apartment that gets broken into. Did he put on new locks after the first break-in, as the police recommended?’
    Heike-Ann couldn’t find the answer on in the police report.
    Jean-François tried to help. ‘I noticed the locks on that apartment. There were several. All different. Looked pretty strong to me. Most of them must have been new … The main one on the front door was very shiny.’
    Myles absorbed the information. ‘So it can’t have been a normal burglary. The thief or thieves were looking for something, and they probably knew what it was. And they came back – twice. So they didn’t get what they were looking for.’
    Heike-Ann checked the dates on the police report. ‘I think it was about a week after this third break-in that Stolz left for the nursing home.’
    Myles tried to put his thoughts together. Stolz was able to escape from a
    determined burglar, then two weeks later he checks in to a nursing home.
    ‘Stolz didn’t go to the nursing home to be looked after. He went there for protection,’ he said. Now it made sense. Myles was beginning to understand what Stolz had been thinking. The old man wasn’t senile at all. Quite the opposite. He was trying to protect himself – and whatever it was the burglar had tried to find.
    Myles looked at the others around the table. Zenyalena and Jean-François were wondering the same thing. Glenn obviously seemed to think it was less significant. He had already started reading through his papers.
    Jean-François decided to call time on the meeting. ‘Again, thank you, Heike-Ann. This is excellent. Glenn, Myles, Zenyalena: let’s all read through our files, and meet again tomorrow morning. Each of us will report on what we’ve learned. Is that accepted by us all?’
    Myles, Glenn and Zenyalena all indicated it was fine. All three were now looking at their files. It was already too interesting for them to put down.
    Myles had quickly become absorbed in the documents. The first file was a translation of a government brief. Dated May 1940, it had been written for one of the top Nazis at the time - probably Himmler or Hess.
    All human civilisations have searched for meaning in the sky. This search has taken many forms. It has led science and generated many ‘myths of the heavens’, myths which feature in almost all religions. The fact that these have survived so long indicates one of two things: either they contain an essential truth, or humans are naturally inclined to believe them. Both possibilities create important opportunities for the Third Reich …
    Myles remembered Himmler’s obsession with the ‘Holy Lance’ – the spear thought to have pierced Jesus’ side when he was on the cross. The artefact – or at least, a piece of wood sanctified as the relic by a medieval Pope – was recovered from Nuremberg after the war.
    … Our Führer has already decreed that the Reich shall defend itself by controlling the resources of Europe – both natural and super-natural. This

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