Secret Weapon
“What if I told you I have a hot date and can’t stay for the unpacking?”
    “I’d say I don’t believe you, because I know you wouldn’t leave me with all this unpacking. Especially after Derek bailed on me.”
    When Sloan first moved to Kenora, he and Liam had hit it off immediately. They’d wound up on a weeklong training course together out of town and spent time after hours bonding over beers. At the time, Liam had been going through a rough time in his long-term relationship. He’d needed a friend to talk to, and Sloan had been happy to listen. Sloan had rediscovered how good it could be to have a good buddy to share with, something he hadn’t had since Ben’s death. He’d even told Liam about Ben, touching on his heartache with Ben’s sister but without giving too much away, and definitely without revealing that Janine lived in Kenora now and that he planned to pursue her. He wasn’t ready to reveal that much of himself to anyone.
    After they got back from the course, Liam tried to improve things with his girlfriend but eventually figured out that it was never going to work and broke it off, which led to his moving into the new house.
    The doorbell rang and Liam strode down the hall to answer it. He returned a few moments later with a pizza box.
    “Talking about hot dates…” Liam opened the pizza box and pulled out a slice, then dropped it onto a paper plate and handed it to Sloan.
    “I was just kidding. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stay until every box is unpacked.”
    “I was thinking more of last night. I called your place last night, then again his morning, just to confirm when you were coming over, and I couldn’t get you.”
    “Oh, I’ll give you my new cell number.”
    “Sure, but … are you seeing someone?”
    Sloan shrugged. “There is a woman I’ve been seeing. Nothing serious.”
    He wasn’t about to admit he had deep feelings for Janine, not even to Liam. If things didn’t work out … if he failed to win her over … Damn, it was none of anyone’s business.
    *   *   *
    Liam watched Sloan’s face. Something was going on in that thick head of his. Not something he’d share. Sloan didn’t tend to share. Stuff, sure. And his time. But nothing about what went on in that head of his.
    Except that time they were on the training course together. After Liam had spilled his guts about his own relationship problems, Sloan had actually revealed something of himself. And it explained why Sloan was generally pretty guarded. It wasn’t hard to figure out it had a lot to do with the friend he’d lost years ago, a cop who’d died in the line of duty. Sloan had even told Liam that was the reason he’d had joined the police force.
    There was something about the friend’s sister that still haunted Sloan. Not that he’d said too much about it, but he’d said enough for Liam to figure out Sloan had been head over heels for the woman. In fact, Liam might be too much of a romantic, but his gut told him she was the one as far as Sloan was concerned. But he’d lost her, and clearly that tore him up inside.
    Whatever it was, Liam would do anything to help him sort it out. Sloan deserved some happiness, and the way Liam saw it, he’d never find it if he didn’t learn to loosen up.
    Sloan put his paper plate on the counter and leaned back. “Listen, talking about women…”
    “Women? I’m all ears, buddy. I’m a single man now. And just so you know, I’m beyond ready to start sowing my wild oats again.”
    “Yeah, well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. There is this new woman I’m seeing.”
    Sloan hesitated. Maybe he was going to open up after all.
    “The one who’s nothing serious,” Liam said.
    “That’s right. I have … kind of a strange request.”
    Liam sipped his root beer and waited, giving Sloan time to figure out what he needed to say.
    “This woman … she’s into some wild and crazy things. She likes a lot of excitement.”

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