Secret Saturdays

Secret Saturdays by Torrey Maldonado Page A

Book: Secret Saturdays by Torrey Maldonado Read Free Book Online
Authors: Torrey Maldonado
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me like, “Stupid. Get out of here before you get me into more trouble.”
    â€œFrom what I’ve heard,” Principal Negron continued, “Sean disses on kids a lot. Should I punish him for those times? You said it yourself. Fights start with disses.”
    I couldn’t respond. Principal Negron was right.
    â€œI like you, Justin. You stick up for your friends. But I told you I mean business, and I asked you in here to show you I do. You can leave now.”
    The hallway outside the main office was filled with loud students in coats, scarves, gloves, and hats. All flowing toward the exit doors. I joined the crowd and was soon outside with the cold air on my face. Kyle and Vanessa were on the sidewalk waiting for me.
    â€œI heard,” Vanessa said.
    â€œHow long he suspended?” Kyle asked.
    We all started walking downhill to our bus stop.
    â€œThe whole week after break,” I said. “I hope his mom doesn’t OD and ground him for the break and the next week too. Then we might not speak to him for two weeks.”
    â€œNow what?” Vanessa asked.
    â€œYou should stop by his apartment to see him,” I told her.
    She bit her lip and thought it over. After two seconds, she said, “Even if his mom lets me in, I don’t think Sean’ll just tell me what’s been going on.”
    â€œAll this is because of his secret Saturday trips. I can feel it. Maybe he has things lying around that show where he’s been. A bus ticket. A souvenir. If you see it, point it out. Say something like, ‘Sean, where you go?’ That might get him to open up.”
    Vanessa watched some boys play tag. One ran into the street and almost got hit by a car. The driver screeched to a stop, shot his head out, and yelled, “Animal!”
    â€œYou think Sean’s bugging from his trips?” Vanessa asked me. “Maybe it’s from something else. Like what Manny said. Sean only flipped on Manny when Manny joked on both Sean and his dad being fruity. Maybe they gay and we never knew.”
    â€œYeah,” Kyle said, changing his mind. “Maybe he lives in Puerto Rico with his gay boyfriend.”
    â€œSean does stay getting little tiny, shiny things from his father,” I said. “Grown men aren’t into that. Females are. And gay guys probably.”
    Suddenly I wished me and Sean had talked more about his pops. I never pressed him about his because I didn’t want to hear him brag when mine was a jerk. I knew one thing. When we were little, Sean never went to see his dad in Puerto Rico. And his pops didn’t visit him. I didn’t think anything of it because it was the same with me. I never went to see my father and he stayed ghost too. Maybe now Sean’s mom had come into some money and started taking Sean to visit his pops in PR.
    I snapped my fingers and said to Kyle, “Remember they had that suitcase? I wonder if Sean and Jackie went to the airport.
    â€œVanessa, you been to PR,” I said. “Can you leave early Saturday and be back for school on Monday?”
    â€œNo doubt. When we flew there, it took two hours. You can go and be back in a day.”
    â€œDang, son.” I punched my fist into my palm. “Sean didn’t tell us he was visiting him because he probably thought we’d ask questions.” I paused. “None of Manny’s other disses made Sean want to fight.” I looked at Vanessa. “That’s even more reason to pop up at Sean’s. See if it’s true.”
    Vanessa nodded. “Okay,” she said. “But you think his dad really gets down like that?”

Vanessa Goes Spying
    AT FIRST, I felt Vanessa spying in Sean’s place was a good idea, but that night, the idea seemed wack. Why’d I even ask her to do that? If Sean busted her snooping, she probably would snitch and say I made her do it. I checked the digital clock on my dresser. It read 10 P.M.
    â€œYou missed

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