Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History
to the ancient Greek Theatre situated above Delphi. It was here that the former First Lady performed what is known as the rite of “greeting the sun” — a fixture in mythology of great antiquity. One might observe that Mrs. Kennedy performed her “sun greeting” with the expertise of an Aleister Crowley.
    Before she made her Apollo-oriented pilgrimage, she was photographed wearing a large “diamond sun-burst” on her head. She was reported to be doing some Greek “island-hopping” on the yacht “North Wind” owned by shipping magnate Marcos Nomikos. The island of Epidaurus was one of its ports of call where Jacqueline Kennedy attended Sophocles”
by the National Theatre of Greece, and then moved on to Hydra, an island named for the dreaded monster-serpent whose nine heads were capable of generation after decapitation.
    Another important stop in Mrs. Kennedy’s highly symbolical peregrination is Santorina (Thera), an isle often connected in folklore to the Island of the Vampires or “sucking-fairies.” In fact, Santorina shares the same reputation for vampires as Haiti does for zombies, or the Dominican Republic for the CIA. According to these stories, there was at least as much sucking going on in Santorina (Thera) as on the island of Lesbos.
Mystical Toponomy
    Mystical toponomy pertains to the magic and mystery of words intersecting with the Masonic science of symbolism. While it differs from the “Old Straight Track” rediscovered by Watkins in the early part of this century, in which alignments or ley lines were discovered to sweep through power sites of ancient religious uses, no one has thus far documented any political or sorcerous uses.
    In considering my data, it would be helpful to consider a dictum of Einsteinian physics — a science few would accuse of fanaticism or irrationality: “Time relations among events are assumed to be first constituted by the specific physical relations obtaining between them.”
    My study of place names imbued with sorcerous significance necessarily include lines of latitude and longitude and the divisions of degrees in geography and cartography (minutes and seconds).
    Let us take as an example “Mason Road” in Texas, which connects to the “Mason No El Bar” and the Texas-New Mexico (“The Land of Enchantment”) border. This connecting line is on the 32nd degree. The 32nd degree in Masonry of the Scottish Rite is the next to the highest degree awarded. When this 32nd degree line of latitude is traced west into the “Land of Enchantment” it becomes situated midway between Deming and Columbus (NM). Slightly to the north of the town of Columbus are the Tres Hermanas (Three Sisters) mountains. The Three Sisters are found approximately 32 miles between Deming and Columbus and are a minute and some seconds south of the 32nd degree line. When this line is traced further to the west it is found to pass the ghost town of Shakespeare at a distance south of the town that is roughly equivalent to the distance which the 32nd degree line passes north of the Three Sisters Mountains. The names Shakespeare and the Three Sisters find their connection in the tragedy of
    When this 32nd degree line is traced some little distance farther west, into Arizona, it crosses an old trail which meandered north of what is now another ghost town, but which at one time was the town of “Ruby.” Part of the old winding trail became known as the “Ruby Road.” The town of Ruby is established to have acquired its name officially on April 11, 1912, when a post office commenced operation. The town became notorious for many brutal murders which had ritual aspects. Four of these homicides occurred in a store attached to the post office which had been erected over the grave of a Catholic priest. Continuing on with mystical toponomy, one encounters the fact that the Ruby road twists north into the area of two mountain peaks that are known as the

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