Secret Admirer: A BBW Gang Bang
have a few friends who would like to meet you as
    A thrill ran up her spine. Not just him, but
a group of men who wanted to meet her? She wondered where things
could go in a situation like that. She couldn’t help but fantasize
about that thought. She’d always had a bit of a thing for being
taken by multiple men at the same time. There was just something
about the idea that appealed to her like nothing else. She squirmed
in her seat a bit and glanced around, hoping no one had noticed her
    Deciding to chance getting caught, she
opened up the reply window, and typed one out, right then and
    How very interesting! I’m definitely still
looking forward to meeting you. Where exactly in Columbus are
    She sent the message off, and almost
immediately, she got a reply. Vincent must be at his computer right
    My office is located on the corner of Main
and Washington. You working today?
    Rachel’s eyes widened at that. Her own
office was on the corner of Broad and Washington, a mere 3 blocks
away. He secret admirer was so close to her, and neither of them
even realized it! They could go out for coffee right now, presuming
he was at work, and wasn’t busy.
    What an incredible coincidence. I’m very
near that location. Do you want to get some coffee now?
    She decided to be at least a little prudent,
and not say exactly where she was. He could still be a scammer,
after all.
    But she didn’t think so. She and Vincent had
been talking like this for a few weeks, and she already knew some
intimate details of his life. She knew he was about her age, and
that when he was in high school, he concealed his love for large
women behind a veil of teasing. That was how most men operated. Now
that he was older, he fully and openly embraced his love for them,
    She also knew he was an accountant, so she
ran a quick Google search on the address. Indeed, there was a large
accounting office there, with a coffee shop right in the lobby.
They could meet there
    She checked her messages once again, and was
    I would love to. Can you meet me in the
lobby of my office in 15 minutes?
    Already feeling jittery, she shot him a
quick reply:
    Absolutely – see you in a bit! ;-)
    Grabbing her purse, she let her superior
know she was taking an early lunch, and then she practically
skipped her way to the escalator. She couldn’t believe the luck of
all of this, but sometimes that’s just how things worked out.
    As she walked towards Vincent's building
though, she could help but feel antsy. What if she was wrong about
him? She got a good vibe from him, but she really didn’t know him
all that well. And she probably shouldn’t be going alone. But she
was a big girl, she could handle one man in a public place. She
smirked. She definitely was a big girl.
    Rachel entered the lobby of the office, and
made a beeline for the coffee shop. As soon as she entered, a man
stood up and greeted her. “You must be Rachel!” he said, flashing a
    He was big, too. He was tall and
broad-shouldered, with a fair amount of meat on his bones, and had
a square face with a wide jaw, and fairly short blonde hair. He
could have been a football player. Rachel nearly swooned on the
spot. This was Vincent? He was a hunk.
    “I am! And you must be Vincent.” Trying to
maintain her composure, she held out her hand, but Vincent went for
a hug. He certainly was friendly. But he didn’t hold onto her for
too long, it was a quick little thing, and then they both made
their way to a table. A barista trotted over with a couple of
menus, but Rachel merely ordered a coffee. She was far too nervous
to eat.
    “I have to say, I’m a huge fan,” he said,
still flashing that Cheshire smile. “I follow all your posts.”
    Rachel blushed. He was too much. This was
far too perfect. He obviously liked her, and he was definitely

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