Second Chance (Cold Springs Series Book 1)

Second Chance (Cold Springs Series Book 1) by Nancy Henderson Page A

Book: Second Chance (Cold Springs Series Book 1) by Nancy Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Henderson
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the two of them together, as a team. It fit. It didn’t make sense most of the time, but it fit.
    Ian gently rested a hand on her shoulder.  “C’mon.  I’ll take you home.”

    Sam was a bundle of nerves.  She told herself it was because tomorrow was opening day and today the health inspector was coming.  It had nothing to do with what happened with Ian Woods last night. 
    Ian had kissed her, and her knees had gone weak.  She had no right feeling anything toward him.  He was an ex-convict who had murdered someone.
    Murdered someone who had been harming his family.  His crime didn’t seem as bad as everyone made it out to be.  Everyone talked about how horrid he was, like he was this uncontrollable raging monster.  They didn’t talk about how he was protecting his sister.  No one spoke of how he was trying to defend her.
    She drummed her fingers on the counter and tried to calm herself with deep breathing.  If this inspection did not go well, she was finished.
    “Are you going to just stand there or do I get a cup of coffee?”
    Absentmindedly, Sam poured Burt his coffee. 
    “Ian used to be a lot more fun before he went to jail. Now he’s just a mess.”
    Sam looked at him.  Burt’s expression told her that he had ulterior motives.  “Why are you telling me this?”
    “I fixed his place up pretty nice, huh?”
    Sam laughed.  “You don’t miss a trick, do you?”
    “Not really.  All I’m saying is he has his problems.  Life won’t be easy with him, but he’s loyal.   He’ll stick by you.”
    “I’m not marrying him.”
    “Not now, but you never know.”  Sam didn’t miss the look of longing in Burt’s expression.  No doubt from missing Aunt Jean.  She and Burt had been inseparable.  Though they lived separately, they spent most days together.
    She handed him one of the new menus.  “I had these redone.  What do you think?”
    Burt reviewed it like he was reading War and Peace.  After about thirty minutes, he blurted, “Where’s the eggs Benedict?”
    “I took it out.”
    “And the sausage gravy over biscuits?”
    “I wanted to keep things simple.  At least for now.” 
    Burt pierced her with a critical glare.  “Ian can cook, you know.  He’s working every odd job he can find and none of it’s steady.  You could hire him.”
    “Why not?”
    “Because…” Why not was a good question. Maybe…
    Chrissy burst through the door.  “Good morning, everyone!”
    “Good morning, Chrissy.”  Sam stepped toward her.  She had asked Chrissy to start today, as a practice run to show her the ropes.  She had a feeling Martha wouldn’t need any practice.  “Welcome to your first day.”
    “I’m really excited.”
    “You look nice today, Chrissy.”  Burt spun around in his seat. 
    Sam motioned her behind the counter.  “I’ll show you where everything is and where you can put your purse.  I have the inspector due here any minute.”
    Sam had no more than shown Chrissy around when as if on cue, a tiny man came through the door that Chrissy had failed to shut.  He was dressed in a navy blue workman’s uniform with the name “Tom” embroidered on the lapel. 
    Sam approached him.  “Hello, I’m Samantha Stone.”
    He pulled a clipboard from the briefcase that he carried and took her outstretched hand.  “Tom Long, Jefferson County health inspector.”
    “Nice to meet you.  Well…this is the diner.”
    “And the kitchen is…?”
    “Back here.”  She headed to the kitchen, the inspector following. 
    “A little.”  She laughed.  “Tomorrow’s opening day.  This is my first attempt at running a business.”
    Immediately, Sam regretted her big mouth.  Now he would know she was a fraud.  So stupid!
    “You know about New York

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