Second Chance at Love (The MacKenna Born & Bred Trilogy)

Second Chance at Love (The MacKenna Born & Bred Trilogy) by Tara Paradise Page A

Book: Second Chance at Love (The MacKenna Born & Bred Trilogy) by Tara Paradise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Paradise
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me into the kitchen while I finish up a few things for the meal,” Diana
urged. Brooke followed her past the enormous formal dining room, down a small
hallway, and into the kitchen. The smells were incredible. The smell of
marinara and oregano filled the room, and Brooke couldn't help but breathe it
in. Diana had always made exceptional Italian.
    Brooke took a seat at the breakfast bar while Diana began
taking out fresh produce from the refrigerator and setting it on the island
next to the sink. Brooke watched while she washed vegetables—lettuce, tomato,
cucumber, baby carrots, celery—and set them to dry. Next, she brought out a
bowl of green olives and set them on the counter, as well, followed by
previously-sliced onion, croutons and various dressings.
    “I was going to bake a cake, but since Raelyn sent over that
delicious-smelling apple pie, I think we'll have that for dessert.” She had
finished with preparations for the salad, and took a seat next to Brooke,
settling comfortably into it. “I made a loaf of Italian bread, too,” she told
Brooke. “Logan bought me a bread maker last year and I've never used it. I
guess you could say I'm a traditional kinda gal.” She winked and Brooke smiled.
“Anyway, I decided to try it out tonight, so let's cross our fingers that it
makes a mean bread loaf,” she said, and made Brooke laugh.
    “If you want to hand me a knife, I'll start chopping
vegetables for the salad,” Brooke offered, and laughed when Diana put one in
her hand in less than five seconds flat.
    “I never turn down help in the kitchen,” she said, as she
began chopping lettuce. “Well, hardly ever,” she added. “The boys usually help
out. All of my boys are good cooks,” she said with pride in her voice. “They
certainly know their way around a kitchen.”
    “I suppose they'd better, or they could risk starvation,”
Brooke remarked, a smile on her lips. “Although, living right down the road
from your mama has its benefits, I'm sure,” Brooke teased. Both women laughed
at that, and continued to chop.
    “So,” Diana began, “how do you like being back in Angel
Ridge? I'm sure it's a lot different from California, isn't it?”
    “It's very different,” Brooke agreed. “I love California;
it's beautiful. There's the mountains and the coast, the exciting, fast-paced
cities. Interesting people. There's a little bit of everything, I suppose,” she
said. Diana watched her, her interest piqued. “But Montana is equally as
beautiful. I was born here; I grew up here. I have a connection still. When it
comes right down to it, I suppose I will always consider it my home.”
    Diana had argued with herself over whether or not to bring
up the subject of Logan and the past.  On one hand, she knew it was none of her
business. And it was history. But on the other hand, she had wanted to say a
few things on the subject for so long, and hadn't had the opportunity until
now. She was about to break one of her most important rules. But she could
learn to live with it.
    “I'm so sorry, Brooke, for what happened between you and
Logan,” she began.
    Brooke glanced up momentarily to find that Diana's attention
was focused on slicing a cucumber, and not directly on her as she spoke. God,
she'd dreaded having to have this conversation. But she continued to slice and
just listened.
    “It was something none of us ever expected.” She looked up
then to meet Brooke's stare, and her eyes were filled with compassion.
    “I know exactly what you mean.” Brooke replied, an
unmistakeable sadness in her voice. It tugged at Diana's heartstrings.
    She thought of that spring eight years before, when her baby
had come home from college devastated, emotionally broken. He lay in bed for
weeks, not eating, not even sleeping, really. Just laying there. He'd cut off
all communication with not only the outside world, but with his family, as
well. No one could reach him.
    After nearly a month of that, and his depression

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