SEALs of Honor: Hawk

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Book: SEALs of Honor: Hawk by Dale Mayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dale Mayer
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Canford if he was trying to acquire Gordon’s land.
    “You’re not in for the cause. Just your own cause.”
    “Remember who paid for all this.” Tom narrowed his gaze, his hands going to his hips.
    Hawk watched the expressions roll across the men’s faces as they wiggled within their power hierarchy. He wondered if the “boss” had any idea he wasn’t anything close to being a boss. That he was expendable and likely here and now.
    “She can identify you as well, so you’ll have to kill her. She’s your problem.”
    Hawk’s gaze caught on the large table on the left with a tangle of electrical cables and connectors. Timers. Shit. They needed a team here. Now. But Mia didn’t have the time. He slid down the long wall looking for another peephole.
    From the new position, his gaze swept the room. And landed on Mia’s face.
    God damn it.
    She’d been pulverized.
    Why? She didn’t know anything.
    “She was supposed to tell us who she was with. Who rescued her? Who we were up against?”
    “Well, she didn’t. Now she’s past the point of being able to. So get rid of her.”
    They were dead. That was all there was to it. He didn’t give a damn about protocol and procedure and justice. These men had beaten an innocent women into hamburger. He was going to take them out. He’d do it for any woman, that it was Mia? Sweet gentle, brave Mia who hadn’t given them up…made his blood boil.
    From all the times he’d met her, watched her with her father, listened to his own sister go on and on about her best friend, Hawk understood she was so damn afraid of not being good enough, that she took special care to be the best she could be. To learn more to help out. To be so much better because she was afraid she was so far away from decent. In truth, she was much better than everyone. Always had been. He’d watched her stop to help a crying child, carry groceries for an older man. She was always there, always around. Always in the background.
    Where was Shadow? Being a shadow, of course was something he was damn good at. Going unseen in the most dangerous places. He caught a movement from the corner of his eye and realized Shadow was inside the warehouse. Shit. He shifted so he could watch the others, see if they noticed his presence. But they were caught in their own power-play.
    As he watched, the other man opened up the back of the van parked to the left. Hell. The van was full. The man called to someone and yet a fourth male came over and helped load up boxes. From his position, Hawk couldn’t see enough to be useful. He ran down the side of the building. Where had Shadow gone? He couldn’t see him. As the two men finished loading the van, they called over to the arguing men. “Loaded.”
    One of the two men who’d been loading walked to the boss, pulled out a gun and shot him in the head.
    He crumpled silently to the floor.
    “About damn time. Stupid ass. You could have done that an hour ago and saved me the stress.”
    “He’s an idiot. We had to check he’d sent the last payment. We’ve just got confirmation that the money is in the bank.”
    Shit. Hawk knew that meant they had money and that meant a hell of a lot of freedom.
    “And her?”
    “Toss her into the river. Should have shot her in the damn hospital parking lot. Waste of time and energy. Fix the mistake.”
    And he turned back to loading more things into the van.
    “We shouldn’t throw them both into the river at the same time. The cops will connect the two incidents.”
    The other men nodded. “Get rid of the prick,” he sniggered. “Keep her until morning. We’ll throw her out tomorrow.”
    Like a sack of garbage. Hawk struggled to contain the rage boiling through his blood. She had more bravery than any of these assholes. There’s no way he was letting anything else happen to her.
    She wasn’t going to die like this.
    “Not going to happen.” Hawk slipped around to the side where the men were busy dragging the boss man to

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