Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy) by Judy Hagemann

Book: Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy) by Judy Hagemann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Hagemann
Tags: General Fiction
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    “Well, I don’t see you with anything to drink.”
    “I’ll have a drink with supper. Speaking of which, I had better get started on it.” She said as she headed back to the kitchen.
    Brock knocked back the shot and chased it with his beer before setting Charlie down and following Holly into the kitchen. She had her back to him as she was looking through the refrigerator for something. When he came up behind her and asked her if he could help, she about jumped out of her skin. He placed his hands on her hips and spoke into her ear. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
    She spun around to face him. “I just expected you to stay in the living room.”
    “Why would I want to do that? You’re in here. I thought maybe I could help you cook supper.”
    “Really? You want to help?”
    “Sure. Why wouldn’t I?”
    “It’s just that—I guess I’m not used to…”
    “Let me guess, the last bozo made you do all the work and never lifted a finger to help out in the kitchen. I told you before, I’m not like him.”
    “What would you like to do? Make garlic bread or salad?”
    “What are you making with it?”
    “Chicken Parmesan, is that okay?”
    “Sounds delicious.”
    Supper was over and Holly noticed red sauce at the corner of Brock’s mouth. Just as before, she instinctively reached over and wiped it off with her finger, but this time Brock grabbed her hand and their eyes locked as he brought it to his mouth and sucked on it. Holly was pretty sure that she just experienced her first orgasm without any form of stimulation.

    Brock stood and started clearing the table. “You don’t have to do that.” Holly said.
    “If I cook at home, I have to do this, so why wouldn’t I do it here? You will find that I am pretty self-sufficient around a kitchen.”
    “Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome. Now let’s get these dishes washed.”
    Fifteen minutes later everything was cleaned and put away. “I better call it a night and head home.”
    Holly’s heart sank as she had thought that maybe he would suggest he should spend the night as late as it was getting. On second thought, if he did spend the night, she knew that there wouldn’t be much sleeping going on either. “Okay, I’ll walk you to the door.”
    Brock took Holly’s hand in his and walked to the front door. “See you tomorrow morning Cavanaugh. Thanks for supper.”
    “I should be thanking you. Not only did you help me make it, but you also helped me clean up the kitchen, and kept me company.”
    “Okay—I’ll let you.”
    “You’ll let me what?”
    “I’ll let you thank me.” He said as he raised and lowered his eyebrows a few times.
    Holly chuckled, “All right.” She said as she kissed him on the cheek.
    “Oh no you don’t.” He said as he pulled her close and softly kissed her lips.
    Holly responded by putting her arms around his neck and pulling him in tighter to her as she traced his lips with her tongue. Brock responded and deepened the kiss as he began to run his hands down her body. When he got to her waist, he pulled away from the kiss and put his forehead against hers. “I should go now before I can’t make myself leave.” He whispered.
    It took all the strength Brock had to walk away from that kiss and get in his car and drive home. He was determined not to mess this up with Holly.
    Holly leaned against the door with her eyes closed re-living that kiss and wondering why he hadn’t pushed staying the night. She was certain that she would have let him stay. What was he thinking? Was he changing his mind about wanting to sleep with her? He had simply kissed her goodnight and left with a ‘See you tomorrow Cavanaugh.’ Why was he still calling her Cavanaugh outside of their work environment? She decided to shower and head to bed as tomorrow was going to come early enough.
    Holly rolled over to see that it was 1:05am, and she was no closer to falling asleep than she was at 10:30pm. Her mind kept going

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