Scorpio's Lot
was possible. It would be fatal to
venture onto gravel roads, given our pursuers were aboard a Toyota Land
    Brigit reached for her mobile
phone and dialed 000. The recipient incurred a verbal lashing regarding the
delayed response, which to my way of thinking now seemed irrelevant. Brigit
continued with her punishing tongue, pointing out we were now being chased by
these same hoodlums through the streets and outer perimeters of Pedley. Her
directions were vague and confusing. It was ridiculous to expect the law to be
able to find us.
    I yelled at Brigit to inform the
authorities we were travelling east of the CBD and what our car’s make and
number plate was. We would phone again if the thugs caught up.
    So the chase had begun that would
not only test my driving skills but also the ability to lose them in the night.
Diverting from a major thoroughfare, I randomly selected a side road and kept a
vigilant eye on the rear vision mirror. I had no idea where this would lead us
- it was more to establish if these hoons had spotted us.
    A straight section of bitumen
followed the turn-off, which provided opportunity to check their whereabouts.
Half a minute later, a reflection from the mirror suddenly caught my eye and I
knew their headlights were less than a kilometre back. We had gained some time
but ever so slightly.
    With a few scattered houses now
coming into view, I sensed we must have travelled a near circle. This road was
leading us back into Pedley. More opportunity for diversion in a built-up area,
I thought. Unless it was an illusion, their high-beam lights now appeared to be
getting closer. Pedley couldn’t come quickly enough. I floored the accelerator,
reaching speeds of up to one hundred, determined to lose them once and for all.
Around corners, down allies and across bridges, I led them on a wild goosechase
through every conceivable path I could think of, never once taking the
conservative option. It was a full-on attempt to escape their grip on things.
There were no headlights in the rear vision mirror, so had my obsession to play
the illegal speedster paid off? I was sure I had succeeded for there was still
no visible proof after one minute.
    Back in town I made a number of
turns and then deliberately chose a straight stretch to see if they were still
on our trail. No lights to be seen after a minute. I felt more at ease and
could sense the women shared my sentiments. I chose a side street I knew led in
the direction of the caravan park. At eleven-thirty pm the comforts of an
on-site van seemed more appropriate for Helen and Brigit than a trip to the
local police station, which was probably shut at this hour.
    From out of nowhere an on-coming
vehicle with blinding high-beam lights headed directly toward us, on the same
side of the street. There was little time to react. I slammed the brakes hard,
the sudden change in motion causing the car to swerve and hit the gutter,
spinning the vehicle to a halt. The motor ceased. There was a screech of tyres
and the approaching blinding light stopped immediately in our path. No more
than a metre separated the two vehicles. Two doors slammed, but the brightness
from the car lights made it impossible to detect the mens’ whereabouts. I
yelled to Helen and Brigit to keep the doors locked while I tried the ignition.
But it was too late.
    Suddenly Brigit’s side window was
smashed by a crowbar, sending the women into terrified confusion. A second
assailant attempting to break through on Helen’s side had all the hallmarks of
a crazed madman. Grunting and cursing, he had worked himself up into a frenzied
state as if possessed by the devil itself.
    Now screaming obscenities, the
man continued to punish the car, repeatedly kicking at the side door and
window. The glass pane gave way, shattering into pieces over the back seat and
its occupants. He leaned forward to release the door catch. Helen shrieked in
terror, simultaneously trying to

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