Scent of a White Rose
    Before ending our conversation, I had asked
Balam if there was any hope of saving Terrance. His answer had been
just what I expected: not that he knew of. Dax was not going to be
happy about all I had learned. And right now, I couldn't imagine
facing all of them with this kind of news. How was I supposed to
explain that all of our lives had just changed and that we were now
being faced with demons?
    Our feedings were going to have to become very
strict and limited to only people we'd fed from before. Because now
that it was clear that at least one family with demon blood resided
in our area, who knew how many more could be out there? I just
couldn't take the risk of any other member of my clan becoming
    By the time I finished my phone call, the club
was in full swing. I found Dax talking to one of the members of the
liquor board who had apparently stopped in to make an impromptu
inspection. They seemed to be going through the checklist that the
inspector was carrying with him. As the owner, I should have made
an appearance and schmoozed the pencil pusher like I always did,
but after everything that had happened, I just didn't have the
energy to deal with that tonight.
    Just as I slid back inside my office, Christian
appeared in the doorway.
    "Evie, are you alright?" he asked.
    I could tell he was nervous, and like the rest
of them, probably wanting to know what I had learned. But with Dax
and the rest of the clan occupied with their jobs, it was the
perfect opportunity to have a conversation with Christian about his
potential triggering. "I'm fine Christian, but please come in."

* * * * *
    Business Acquaintance
    As we drove to the café, I just couldn't bring
myself to question Dad about his relationship with Meredith. So
instead, I sat there imagining all the expensive things I was going
to buy with the credit card he'd given me, while he pretended to
have a business meeting with his whore. Yes, I was that mad.
    How in the hell could Dad continue to tell me
that it was "too soon" to move on, when he apparently didn't have
any trouble moving on from Mom's death whatsoever? The more and
more I thought about this, the angrier I was becoming. The rage
inside of me was building at a steady pace, and I felt the tears
threatening to spill.
    "So, like I said, I figured you could do some
shopping while Meredith and I have our meeting. I think I remember
you mentioning that you needed some supplies for school and some
new cookware to replace the things that I ruined at the house," Dad
said with a chuckle. "I'll text you once we're done, and then you
and I can go to see that new movie that came out. Sound good?"
    I can't tell you how hard it was not to scream
at him. It took everything I had to say, "Sure Dad. That'll be
fine." I had to keep my head turned towards the window, because if
I actually looked at him, I knew I would break. But apparently,
diverting my face wasn't enough to hide the waves of tension that
were rolling off of me.
    "Is something wrong Rose?" he asked.
    Damn it, why couldn't he have just let it
drop? "Well, Dad, now that you mention it, I guess I'm not
really looking forward to seeing Meredith again, since it's obvious
that she is more to you than just a business acquaintance. "
I knew my voice carried a tinge of anger, and I didn't care.
    A sigh escaped his lips, as he shook his head
back and forth. "Rose, I'm so sorry. I had no intention of dating
Meredith when we first met, but after getting to know her, we
really hit it off, and spending time with her has truly helped me
deal with my grief. I didn't say anything because I just didn't
think you would understand." Guilt as thick as molasses dripped
from his voice.
    "Oh no Dad, I understand just fine. You banging
someone that looks just like Mom really helps lessen the blow that
she's truly gone." Fuck being nice; I'd had enough of being kept in
the dark.
    "Rose Reynolds! You watch your mouth. How dare
you say

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