Scary Dead Things - 02

Scary Dead Things - 02 by Rick Gualtieri Page A

Book: Scary Dead Things - 02 by Rick Gualtieri Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Gualtieri
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well go out with style.
    After a few minutes of pointedly ignoring us, probably some stupid ceremonial thing to remind us who was higher on the food chain, Nergui stepped forward and addressed the Khan in his native language ( I assumed, not like I could tell one dialect from another around here ). When he was done, he gestured towards us.
    “This is it,” whispered James. I glanced over out of the corner of my eye and noticed a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead. Guess my reputation for being a wise-ass preceded me.
    The Khan dismissed Nergui and said something in our general direction. The crowd went silent, and all eyes turned towards us. Ignoring the voice in my head that was telling me now was the perfect time to start screaming, “Yeah! It's me. The fucking Freewill, bitches!!”, I instead waited for James' lead. A moment later, he began slowly walking up the main aisle towards the Khan. I attempted to match his step and followed.
    When we got about two-thirds of the way there, he stopped and bowed deeply. He then stepped aside, and I did the same. Nobody could say I didn't at least try to start the evening off on the right note. Once I was done, the Khan nodded his head ever so slightly. That was a good sign, I think. Probably should have boned up on my ancient Mongolian vampire customs before I shipped out. The Khan then said something to James, which he, in turn, translated for me.
    “The Khan, esteemed member of the First Coven and Shadow Lord of Asia ( oh brother! ), welcomes you as his honored guest.” He then paused while giving me a look that said I was expected to answer.
    “The honor is all mine, great Khan,” was my reply. “Oh yeah, and Captain Kirk totally owned your ass!” OK, I didn't say that last part out loud. I'm not that suicidal.
    A small look of relief crossed James' face, and then he relayed my answer back to the Khan. There was another brief exchange, and James again translated.
    “You are invited to enjoy the feast and all the hospitality the Khan has to offer. Once it is done, you will be called forward again.”
    Called forward? For what? Did he want an autograph? Or maybe he wanted to give me one. ‘ To my biggest fan, keep on rocking! Your bud, the Khan .’
    However, before I could say anything, James turned back towards the Khan and again bowed. That was apparently my cue to do the same. Once it was done, the conversation amongst the vampire crowd immediately resumed, and James led me off to the side, where a space had been left for us.
    We sat down, and almost immediately a servant placed a large full wine cup into my hand. Now why can't I get service like this back in the city?
    “Why are they calling me back up later?” I asked James.
    “Don't worry about it. Probably nothing,” he said dismissively as he started to eat.
    Oh well, when in Rome...I took a sip of my drink. Whoa! Good shit! Something familiar tasting about it, though. “What is this stuff?” I asked.
    “Fermented blood, of course,” James answered. Oh, of course.
    * * *
    The feast was pretty damn nice. I helped myself to plenty of the blood wine, as well as my fair share of goat and pork. I declined, however, from partaking in the roasted humans. I may be a vampire, but there are limits as to how creepy I'm willing to get. This shit definitely crossed that line; however, aside from that one little detail, it was all good.
    During the course of the meal, a few other vampires introduced themselves through James. I didn't really get a lot of names, though. For starters, I'm not good with that kind of thing, even worse when I'm being told third person. Secondly, the fermented blood had given me a pretty nice buzz. After a while, the faces just sort of became one blur after the other.
    That was, until a small voice said from behind me, “So this is the Freewill? I thought he would be taller.”
    I turned to find the small girl

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