Scandal on Rincon Hill
death has only increased the police's interest in the Reverend Mayfield and the other guests who were present at the Tremaines' party. Evidently, they questioned the minister again this morning. I'm sure they'll be paying the Tremaines another visit, as well.”
    “The Reverend Mayfield?” exclaimed Robert, looking shocked. “You mean the police actually think a clergyman could have committed two such abominations?”
    “I doubt that the police have singled out Reverend Mayfield as their prime suspect,” Samuel replied. “But he's one of the people they're investigating. Frankly, Robert, they don't have much to go on.”
    “So they're revisiting all the guests who were present at Saturday night's party,” I said.
    “What else can they do?” my brother answered. “As you pointed out, it's a bit much to suppose the two murders can be mere coincidence.”
    “No,” I agreed quietly, with a growing sense of unease. This was not because San Francisco lacked its share of crime, including a fair number of murders committed every year, but rather because few victims were actually killed so close to our own home. While it was true that the Second Street Cut had attracted a few unsavory individuals to our neighborhood, nothing like this had occurred as far back as I could remember.
    “I wonder if Dieter Hume shared Nigel Logan's enthusiasm for Darwin's revolutionary theories?” I went on, speculating aloud.
    Robert gave a little snort. “Even if he did, that would hardly provide a motive for murder. These crimes are far too violent for any decent man to commit. Surely the killer is a vagabond, or some kind of madman.”
    “That would assume that the two deaths were random,” I argued,“which is a theory I cannot entertain. Hume and Logan were friends, and their bodies were found in the same vicinity, just yards apart, although not on the same day. They were both present at the Tremaines' party, and the same method was used to kill them both. Common sense demands that there be a connection.”
    Robert shook his head, causing his unruly red hair to fly helter-skelter about his expressive face. “If you're right, Sarah, then those two men shared a very dangerous enemy.”
    He rose from his chair. “I must go now. It will mean my job if I arrive late at the courthouse.” He pointed to the paperwork he had brought me, which was still spread out on my desk. “Since I may be in court again tomorrow, I'll pick these up on Friday. Surely you'll have finished with them by then.”
    I gave him a level look, not pleased with his tone. “I will complete them this afternoon, Robert. You may, of course, collect them at your convenience.”
    Ignoring me, he again expressed his thanks to Fanny Goodman, nodded politely to Samuel, and took his leave.
    “He's right, you know,” Samuel said after he was gone. “If, as we believe, the two murders were linked, then Logan and Hume managed to acquire an extremely determined and vicious enemy.”
    “I agree,” I said, draining the last of my coffee. Such was my distress regarding Samuel's news, I had barely touched my gingerbread. Judging by Eddie's hungry glances at my plate, however, I was confident it would not go to waste. “What we must do is find that connection.”
    My brother gave me one of his ironic grins. “ We , little sister? Does that mean that you intend to help me follow up on the story?”
    This brought me up short, and I realized I was not quite sure what I had meant. “If I can be of any assistance to you, Samuel, I'll be happy to help. Other than that, I have no reason, or intention, of becoming involved in this dreadful matter.”
    My brother continued to grin at me, which I found annoying. I knew what he was thinking, and was not well pleased.
    “you're becoming as bad as Robert,” I told him. “I grow wearyof being accused of poking my nose where it is not appreciated. These murders are appalling, and it frightens me that they occurred so close to our

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