Saving Dallas Forever

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Book: Saving Dallas Forever by Kim Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Jones
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and who doesn’t love a happy LLC? You need to talk to her, and Maddie is your sister. Your blood sister. Y ’all have spent too much time being apart from one another. I think part of your problem with Red is that you are jealous of the relationship she and Maddie have. You have to remember that Maddie sees her as an equal. She doesn’t know you well enough to have the same feelings for you that she does for Red. Give her some time. Maybe you need to get to know her. I mean really, how much about Maddie has Maddie actually told you? Talk to them and get their insight on how they think you should approach Luke with the situation. I would do one thing at a time. You need to get your mind off this shit for a little while. There is enough stuff going on at Knox Companies to keep you busy for the rest of the week. This weekend, have Maddie come over, and you two spend the day together. Get to know her. Then, reconcile your differences with Red. Even if it comes to blows, let it all out. I promise it will end on a good note.” Maybe Lindsey really did know me better than anyone else. Her solution to my problem had me feeling better already. We hugged across the table, knocking over our wine glasses in the process, causing them to roll onto the wooden deck and shatter. We laughed, and I pulled another hundred from my wallet and dropped it on the table to cover the damage. I grabbed my purse as we hurried out, to avoid having to see our waitress once again.
    I arrived at the office before the sun was up , and began sorting my emails. Last night’s conversation had weighed heavily on my mind up until the point I had walked into my house. Just seeing the familiarity of everything and the smell of home put my mind at ease. Luke had texted late last night saying he was super busy, but that he loved me and would call me tomorrow. I felt guilty that I had no trouble falling asleep without him. It was like my need for him was drifting, until I woke up at three this morning, covered in sweat after dreaming about Frankie. He was not there to tell me it was okay, or hold me, and now I was fully aware of how dependent I had become on Luke. Usually, I wake from the dream and it fades before I fall back into a restful sleep, in Luke’s arms. This morning was different. I couldn’t shake it. I couldn’t get the sight of Frankie crawling from his grave toward me out of my mind. If the dreams didn’t stop soon, I would have to see a doctor. I thought back to how I never had them when I was with Charlie, and didn’t start having them again until we got to Luke’s. Was there a reason? I heard Lindsey’s voice ring out over the office and looked at the clock to find it was already almost eight. I had been at work for over three hours. Where had the time gone?
    “Well, look at you,” Lindsey greeted, walking in , and placing a Starbuck’s coffee on my desk. “I figured after last night you needed a pick-me-up. What’s on the agenda for the day?” I loved how she was all business and didn’t hammer me with questions on the holes in the story that I had shared with her last night.
    “I’ve sorted my emails, responded to the ones that required it , and now I’m organizing a meeting with all the office managers and staff. I was looking over the contracts yesterday, and it seems we are being forced to drop prices on top-of-the-range properties, due to the market. I think we should just sit on them a while. We can afford it, and, although we will suffer a loss now, I feel like we will gain more by not selling them for less than they’re worth. The market is in the process of a turnaround, but people are still milking it, trying to pinch every penny possible. But we don’t deal with penny-pinchers. We sell high-end real-estate to high-end clients. Whatever happened to paying top dollar for things and using it as bragging rights? Where have all the rich people gone?” I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.
    “Now it’s cool to save

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