Saving a Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Six

Saving a Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Six by Krystal Shannan, Camryn Rhys Page A

Book: Saving a Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Six by Krystal Shannan, Camryn Rhys Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal Shannan, Camryn Rhys
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go. Now.”
    Maggie snatched a flashlight from one of the women standing silently against the wall and leaped into a run.
    Luther followed only a few steps behind. Her chest tightened at the sound of screaming echoing in the hallway behind her. They reached the end and ran to the right, narrowly escaping a volley of bullets aimed to take them out and anyone else foolish enough to stand in their way.
    Her mate pushed her up the stairs faster and faster. They burst out the top into a patio covered by a vine-covered pergola. Moonlight filtered through the spaces between the beams.
    “The road, Mag.” Luther pointed, shifting direction and cutting across the perfectly manicured lawn.
    The cameras were down. The lights were dark. It wasn’t a full moon, thank the gods, but it was enough to light their way back to the docks. She ran hard, keeping pace with Luther and Faye.
    The lawn had been gentle, but the hard packed gravel of the road tore at her bare feet. There wasn’t an alternative. They couldn’t run through the densely forested areas without risking one or both of them twisting an ankle or breaking bones.
    A revving engine behind them doubled her heart rate. Fuck. Luther’s breathing was already labored. He’d carried her to the mansion, but that trek had been slow and methodical. Now he was in a full sprint, trying not to jostle the very pregnant teenager in his arms.
    Pain tore through her leg and she crumpled to the ground. Her momentum carried her down the road several yards before she stopped. Spitting gravel, she jumped to her feet and whimpered, unable to put pressure on left foot. Her ankle was twisted badly. The responsible pothole was barely visible in the soft moonlight.
    “Maggie!” Luther stopped a dozen yards away, put down Faye, and pointed to the dock. “You get to the boat parked at the dock. We’re right behind you.”
    The teen nodded and took off at a pace that surprised Maggie.
    Headlights rounded the corner and Maggie hobbled toward the edge of the road, but they were coming too fast. Impact was inevitable and was going to hurt like a bitch. Time slowed. Each nanosecond stretched like a piece of string that refused to snap. Her mind calculated how far she could hurl herself. It wasn’t far enough. But, if she could jump and hit the windshield instead of the heavy grill of the truck, the trauma to her body might be a bit less.
    Even then, survival wasn’t likely. She crouched to jump just as a huge body slammed into her from the side, knocking her all the way to the edge of the road.
    The sickening thump thump brought a scream to her throat.
    No. No. No.
    She crawled across the road toward Luther’s motionless body. His heart beat, but it was slowing. Blood seeped from his mouth with each exhalation.
    “Luther!” Tears burned her eyes, blurring her vision. “No. You can’t have him. He’s mine. You brought him to me for a reason.” Her magick swirled in the air around her and she gingerly caressed his scraped cheek.
    If she bonded with him, it wouldn’t help. Not fast enough to matter. The healing would take more than twenty-four hours and would incapacitate her in the meantime. Only one other alternative surfaced in her mind, but it would change Luther forever and he might hate her in the end.
    The guards in the jeep had continued down the road, following Faye, as if they knew Maggie was helpless. And Luther was as good as dead.
    It couldn’t all be for nothing. Her team didn’t even know she was here. Would they ever know?
    Without the information and access she had, no one would be able to get onto this island with half a chance of taking down Adrian and his operation.
    Luther’s eyes fluttered open and he coughed. “Run.” The word was hardly more than a gurgle, but it still sounded like an order. Even dying, he was telling her what to do.
    “I love you. Please forgive me for what I’m about to do.” She leaned closer, whispering the old Irish words of the ancient spell

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