Save the Night for Me

Save the Night for Me by Selena Sexton Page A

Book: Save the Night for Me by Selena Sexton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Sexton
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hadn't even heard his footsteps until after he'd cleared his throat and she'd
snapped out of her reverie.
    He kept walking, albeit somewhat slowly,
and she watched him as she started walking again herself. He swung his arms
loose and confidently at his sides, bearing no newspaper or briefcase, but he
was dressed impeccably in a dark suit and a trench of his own, a grey one, that
he wore unbelted. It billowed around him, somewhat cape like, as he strode down
the street. She admired the breadth of his shoulders. He was tall-maybe about
6'2” or 6'3” and looked solidly built. She found herself fantasizing about him,
picturing him turning as she approached, taking her suddenly by the arms and
pushing her up against the wall, kissing her passionately as he pushed his body
insistently against hers, pinning her helplessly as his hands wandered at will
over her body, regardless of the stares of passersby...
    She shook her head at the image, blushing
at her wanton imagination. She had been attempting to keep up a long-distance
relationship after Mark moved to Seattle, but it was halfhearted at best; they
had been more comfortable than serious even before he left, anyway. She hadn't
had a man's touch in a couple of months, and who knew the last time she had
felt real desire? As she continued to walk behind the darkly handsome man, she
became aware that her panties were moist with her arousal. She could use a
night of hot, unrestrained sex...with a total stranger? What a thought.
    The man ahead of her slowed and then turned
to enter the bar at the upscale Hotel du Lac. He didn't seem to notice her when
he turned in to the doorway, but she felt somehow tethered to him nonetheless;
she slowed her pace a bit to make it a little less obvious, but she had no
hesitation about going into the bar, as well. After all, isn't that precisely what
she was going to do, anyway? She still had about 40 minutes to kill before the
train departed, and it looked like a nice place. She had time for a couple
drinks...maybe a little chat...
    And what if he were meeting someone there?
Well, Nina thought, what's the harm of going in to see what she could see? If
someone else was on his schedule for the evening, so be it; she would have her
drinks and get on her train like a good little girl. But, as she eased the
large glass door with the brass fittings open, she thought about what t would
be like to be a bad little girl, and she shivered with desire at the thought.
    The place was only moderately busy, but she
didn't see him. Perhaps he went to the rest room first, she thought, and she
decided that might be a good plan for her, as well; she felt a little nervous,
and it usually helped to pee. She went to the ladies' room, relieved herself,
washed up and checked her hair and makeup in the mirror. She unbuttoned the
trench and let it hang open, like his, showing off her graceful neck and pretty
collarbones above the bateau neckline of her dress. After fluffing her hair a
bit with her fingers and adding a quick spray of perfume, she ventured back out
into the bar.
    She still didn't see him; maybe he had
continued though the bar into the hotel? That would have been a little odd,
with the hotel entrance nearby, but maybe someone was waiting for him and they
just hooked up and moved out. Well, that's that, she guessed; there were only a
dozen or so people in the richly-appointed bar, and it was easy enough to see
he wasn't among them. With a small sigh of disappointment, she approached the
shining mahogany bar and prepared to order. The bartender was at the other end,
but he noticed her and started to walk down to her.
    As he approached, she began to open her
mouth, ready to order, but he looked right past her, addressing someone to her
side. “What can I get you?” She turned to see him , her handsome
stranger, standing to her side at the bar. He addressed the bartender, but looked
directly at her with a stunning smile. “Chivas and soda, with a twist, and

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