Save Me
the bottle out of her hand. ”What do you think you’re doing?” I growled.
    “I   was  having a drink,” she snapped, empty eyes narrowing.
    Keep your cool.
    Sig hing, I sat in front of her. “Why are you doing all this?”
    She frowned. “Doing all what?”
    “Kai.” I spat out his name. “Getting drunk, fighting with your mum, pushing everyone away.” Her face hardened and she turned away from me. “Let me help you, Tegan, please? Your dad wouldn’t want this.”
    Her body tensed at the mention of Simon. She looked at me like she hated me. “Leave.”
    I shook my head. “I’m not going anywhere.”
    “I don’ t want you, Lucas. Why can’t you understand that?” That didn’t feel good. It wasn’t just her words that kicked the air out of my lungs; it was her tone, too. “Seriously, just go.”
    I stood up and walked out of the room, taking the vodka with me. Ava and Grace were talking in Ava’s room as I passed. They looked up at me with matching sympathetic smiles.
    “Lucas,” Grace called as walked past . Groaning, I turned around.
    “Are you okay? I’m sorry for what she said, she didn’ t mean it,” Ava said.
    Since we were having this conversation, I walked all the way in and sat on her computer chair. “Didn’t she?”
    “No , of course she didn’t. You mentioned Dad. That makes her flip out, especially if she’s already in a bad mood. She just says the most hurtful thing to get you to stop. She’s done it enough times to me and Mum.”
    “I have no idea what to do,” I replied, taking a swig of the vodka. I was in no better position than Alison.
    “Neither do we. Ever since Dad’s funeral she’s completely changed. I just want my happy, loud, dancing, singing, piano playing, annoying baby sister back.” She blinked back her tears and took a deep breath. “I hate the cold , hateful person she’s become.”
    “I’m sure in time she’ll be okay,” Grace said. She always was blindly positive. It was actually one of the things I loved most about my twin.
    “Yeah , hopefully,” I replied, trying to sound like I believed her. “I’m gonna go to bed, see you guys tomorrow.” I got up and left, not wanting to talk anymore.
    I was stayi ng on the sofa bed in the study, which was, thankfully, upstairs. I didn’t want to see anyone else. After removing my jeans and t-shirt, I got in bed for some much needed sleep. I’d not slept in about twenty hours so I should’ve been tired. My mind was buzzing with thoughts of Tegan.

C hapter Nineteen
    I hated being such a bitch to him and seeing the hurt in his eyes. I felt awful for saying those things, but he just wouldn’t stop talking. I should have told him I wanted to be with him, too, because I did. Or I think I did. How bad could it be really?
    I know he would be there for me , but the thought of having to go through what Mum and Ava were going through, all that crying and the pain, scared the hell out of me. I wasn’t going to willingly put myself through all that.
    If being a bitch meant not feeling the pain I felt the day he died then it was worth it, no question. If people got hurt or pissed off in the crossfire then so be it.
    I walked down the corridor and stood outside the study door for ages, debating whether I should go in. He probably wouldn’t even want to see me after what I said to him. Why would he? I reached for the door handle but something stopped me. What if he tried talking about my dad again? Lucas was dangerous, always on the edge of asking questions.
    Turning swiftly, I ran downstairs and straight out the door. My breathing came out in heavy pants and I blinked back tears. Don’t cry. Push it away. There was one person that could make all the confusion go away. I dialled his number.
    “Kai, can you pick me up, please?” I asked the second he answered.
    “ Huh? It’s four in the morning, is everything okay?”
    “Fine, I just need you to get me. Can you

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