SATED: #3 in the Fit Trilogy
    “Good. Stop being bossy and just be happy for us.”
    “Alright, alright. Let’s get back in here. I’ve got a client soon. And your lunch is probably getting cold.”
    Keira followed Armando inside. She appreciated that he cared about her so much, but everything with Daniel was going to be fine. Better than fine. Great.

    During another meeting about the Super Bowl, Daniel decided the Christmas party would be the last function he attended at The Club. If he wanted to be with Keira, he couldn’t share his life with all these other people who thought he was nothing but his kinks. He didn’t know how he was going to break the news to Miss Evelyn, or Philip, but he would think of something. After the party.

    Keira reached over and took Daniel’s arm. He looked so sexy in his dress shirt and perfectly tailored vest. They were on their way to a party. A fancy, kinkified Christmas party with Daniel’s fancy, kinky friends. And Grant and Armando. They were fancy too, but Keira was interested in meeting the rest of these mysterious people Daniel rarely mentioned. He said something about his mentors owning the place, the way he described them seemed way too clinical to be the truth. You own a freaking kinky club? You have to be an interesting character. Keira couldn’t wait to meet them and the rest of the people they deemed worthy to include on the guest list.
    Still, Keira’s excitement wasn’t enough to distract from the fact that Daniel was acting really strange. He’d been oddly distant the last few days. He told her he was fine a bunch of times, but Keira was picking up all kinds of not-fine vibes. Daniel was an honest man, and pretty straightforward. If something was bugging him she just had to trust he would tell her when he was ready.
    “So when the party’s over, your place or mine?” Keira asked, code for ‘do you want top me tonight or not?’.
    Daniel glanced over at her, a small smile finally touching his lips. “We’ll go to my place. I think it’s finally time we tie you up properly with some rope.”
    Keira’s pussy clenched at the thought. She liked when he bound her with the bondage tape, but the rope would be fun.
    Daniel pulled his SUV down an alley between two warehouses to where a valet stand and velvet rope had been set up at the door. Daniel handed off his key and helped Keira out of the car.
    “Is it okay for me to be nervous?” she asked, as she took his hand.
    “There’s nothing to be nervous about. Come on.” They took a short hall to a freight elevator that took them down one floor. It opened to a small receiving area where a bouncer sat on a stool. The short white guy lit up when he saw Daniel.
    “Hey man! Where have you been? It’s been weeks.” They did that dude hug thing with the slap on the back.
    “Just been busy.”
    “We thought we’d lost you.” As the bouncer spoke he glanced at Keira in a peculiar way. Half way between curious and annoyed. She tried not to frown when he introduced himself as Trent, the club security.
    Trent opened the door for them and Daniel led her inside. The party was already in full swing, people and things filling up the massive space. Christmas music was playing over the sound system and there were Christmas decorations up everywhere. Some people were dressed in regular party attire, like Daniel and herself, but there were a fair bit of people in leather bondage gear, accented with Santa hats of course. Daniel leaned toward her and pointed to a large window that ran along the wall about twenty feet above their heads. It was tinted so you couldn’t see through. “Mast— Philip and Evelyn use the top floor as a home away from home and this functions as the club proper.”
    Keira just nodded, her anxiousness overtaken by sheer curiosity and shock. She looked at the various contraptions around the room. A set of medieval stocks, this large wooden X thing, a giant bird cage that looked big enough to hold three people.

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