Santa Wishes

Santa Wishes by Amber Kell Page B

Book: Santa Wishes by Amber Kell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Kell
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    “That’s because while you were lazing in bed I was making sugar cookies.”
    Gregory frowned. “Why are you making cookies first thing in the morning?”
    “Because I promised Deuce I’d bring cookies to the party tonight and if I don’t make them this morning and let the dough chill they’ll be melty blobs instead of pretty cookies.”
    “You bake?” Something about the tall sexy man baking tickled Gregory.
    “I don’t know that making sugar cookies really qualifies as being a baker but I can follow a recipe. Besides this is my mother’s recipe and I’ve been making it since I was a child.”
    “Huh.” Gregory tried to recollect the last time he made sugar cookies. “I can’t remember.”
    “Can’t remember what?”
    Tre tilted Gregory’s head up and kissed him. Or at least that’s what an impartial observer would think. However, from Gregory’s point of view the man turned his body into mush. Melting against Tres, Gregory opened his mouth and let the other man inside.
    “Mmm,” he murmured against Tre’s lips. Damn, he’d have to go visit Santa every year if this is what the big guy brought him.
    Tre gently broke from the kiss. “What can’t you remember?”
    “Huh,” Gregory blinked at the gorgeous guy in bed at him. Why were they talking? He wanted more kissing, and licking and really the number of things he wanted to do to the sexy man was longer than Santa’s nice list.
    Tre’s lush mouth tilted at the corner. “You can’t remember, what?”
    “Oh, the last time I made cookies.” Gregory dived in for another kiss only to be held back by Tre’s strong grip.
    “What!” he whined at the lack of contact.
    Tre laughed. “Don’t act like I’m depriving you of your favorite toy.”
    “You are. Now gimme.” Gregory pouted.
    “Very pretty.” Tre bit Gregory’s bottom lip sending a zing through his body. A soft ding went off somewhere in the house and he gasped as Tre dumped him on his back. “That’s my cookies.”
    As Gregory lay in bed, hard and wanting, the sexy god of his dreams scurried out of the room with a massive hard-on that Gregory really wanted to taste.
    Folding his arms, he glared at the ceiling. “That better be the smallest sugar cookie batch in the history of cookie making.”
    Gregory lay on the bed for a couple of minutes until boredom kicked in. He desperately wanted to see what Tre was up to and besides he needed to use the bathroom in the worse way. He slid out of bed and wiggled his toes in the plush carpet. He didn’t even know they sold carpet this nice.
    Since Tre went out the door across from him, Gregory quickly deduced which one must be the bathroom. Pleased with his detective skills, he stumbled into the bathroom and stopped.
    The bathroom was like one of those designer magazines. The ones regular people shake their heads over because no one really has a bathroom like that and you know it’s only there to make you feel inferior over the mold colony trying to intimidate you out of your shower.
    Gregory tilted his head, almost certain he’d heard a choir of angels as he entered the room. The damn thing was almost bigger than his apartment bedroom. The tub had jets on the sides and could easily fit four people. “Fuck, you can have an orgy in there.” Then the image of Tre cavorting naked with several other men burst into his head and made him queasy.
    Shit! He was becoming way too attached to a man he’d known for all of a morning and one possibly drugged evening.
    Gregory quickly did his business and returned to the bedroom. He contemplated putting on clothes but Tre called from the other room.
    “Did you get up, babe? Come join me in here.”
    Shrugging, he gave up the clothing hunt and followed the sound of Tre’s voice. The kitchen smelled of buttery, sugary goodness. Memories of rolling out dough and decorating lopsided Santas filled his head.
    When was the last time he’d celebrated Christmas in a traditional manner.

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