Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series

Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series by A.J. Temple Page A

Book: Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series by A.J. Temple Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Temple
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    Robert looked sheepish. “Listen Sally, I’m totally gutted about that; honestly I am – I just hope that you’ve packed the ‘sexy set,’ we might have some use for it yet!”
    He grinned wickedly.
    “You wish buster! We’ll just have to see how well you behave yourself , shan’t we!” She replied equally wickedly as she drove a short distance off the road, and into a car park next to a welcome-looking roadside café.
    They made their way inside, and managed to get a seat by the window, where they could look out at the ducks in the ornamental pond.
    “So how long is it do you think, to your Aunt and Uncles house at Bourton-on-the-water?”
    Although Robert called them ‘Aunt and Uncle’ they were in fact not relations, but very close friends of his mother Agnes; and Rob ert had always had called them by this title since he was a child.
    “Well , I told uncle Bill that we would take it easy, and probably not get there much before 6pm. That gives us plenty of time to have a light lunch now maybe, then take a casual drive down.”
    “So what exactly are they like? I mean, do you think they will be ok with me just droppin g in on them like this?”
    “Are you kidding me? I don’t know any guy that is not going to fall all over you – especially when you do that ‘flirty thing’ with your eyes!” Robert exclaimed laughing.
    “What flirty thing!” She said – doing just what Robert had referred too.
    He slapped her lightly about the head. “Yes exactly! Seriously though – you will love uncle Bill, he is a real charmer. As for Samantha; she is an absolute gem and I’m sure will treat you as  a long-lost friend; have no fear on that score.”
    They chatted  while longer, before Robert ordered cheeseburger and chips, and Sally settled for a bowl of French onion soup and a crusty bread roll.
    Fed and watered, they nipped into the toilets before heading back down the road on their journey to Gloucestershire. Robert took over with the driving, as Sally got out her maps to check her directions.
    “Maybe we should have bought a S at-Nav for the car Sally; what do you think?” He asked  as Sally wrestled to unfold the paper map.
    “Well, when you consider that we hardly ever leave Aviemore, except on excursions like this – no I don’t think so – just a waste of money.” She stated firmly.
    “Yes, you’re probably right – as usual! I suppose it would be fine for a sales rep, or someone like that; and you hear the wildest stories of people driving over harbours and things – it’s crazy!”
    “Anyway, this is fairly easy. Just you keep driving south and I’ll tell you when to turn off or change direction.”
    Robert drove on for a further four hours without stopping, while Sally kept him on the right road. Soon they were driving up into the tiny village of Bourton-on-the-water, and were knocking on the door of Bill and Samantha’s quaint country cottage.
    A Tall elderly gentleman, not unlike Sally’s friend Sir Malcolm, opened the door for them.
    “Robert! It is good to see you arrived safe and sound; do come in.” He opened the door wide for them to enter, as Samantha joined the company and immediately gave Robert a huge hug.
    “ Robert  dear, it is fabulous to see you again; and this will be Sally I presume?”
    “Oh, yes of course- Sally meet Aunt Samantha, and Uncle Bill!”
    Sally stepped forward and int roduced herself; giving Samantha a friendly hug, and planting a light kiss on Bill’s cheek – causing him to beam delightedly.
    “I wouldn’t get carried away uncle Bill – she does that with all the guys!” Robert laughed at Derek.
    “I’m sure that’s total nonsense Robert – the girl obviously appreciates mature sensible men; goodness knows what attracted her to you!” They all laughed, as Samantha led them through to the front room.
    “Now please just make yourselves comfortable, while I make us a pot of tea. Bill, could you take their bags up to the bedroom

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