My First E-mail!!!

    Dearest Dulcie, and McKenzie, Haley and Aidan,
    This is your mother-in-law, Jeanine! If you are reading this, Tom has gotten my computer set up!!! I’m sending you my FIRST E-MAIL! I’m so excited!
    Morris is reading over my shoulder and thinks I shouldn’t use so many exclamation points. But I can’t help it! I just told him it’s almost as exciting as when he first kissed me! Almost, but not quite! Now Tom, who is also reading over my shoulder, is acting all embarrassed at the idea of his mother kissing somebody! Grow up, Tom!!!
    Morris and I are SO excited about coming for Thanksgiving! I can’t wait for you to meet him! I hope it wasn’t TOO much trouble to let Tom come this weekend. I’m sure you had a lot of things to do to get ready, and I stole away your help!
    I have a surprise for you!!! Morris and I are going to come EARLY to help you get ready!!! We’ll be in around 8 Tuesday evening, and then we can spend all day on Wednesday helping you! You won’t have to worry about a thing! It’s just our way of saying thanks for letting Tom help me set up the computer. I’ve wanted a computer at home for AGES!!!
    Morris says staring at a computer screen will make my eyes go bad, but I told him it doesn’t matter since I already wear contacts! Morris thinks we should buy a special filter for the screen, just in case, but I don’t want to spend money on something so boring!
    Okay, I want to send this now! Give those precious honey-girls hugs from Memaw and Morris! We can’t wait to see them!!!
    Love you so much!!!!!!!!!
    Mom H.

Zelia Muzuwa
“Green Eggs and Ham”
Bad fight continued

    Hey gals,
    Phyllis, you’d have to know Tristan to understand. He’s brilliant, classy, good-looking, perfectly organized and has a great career. Most days, I’m not even sure how we got together—I can’t organize an empty box, I’m flighty and I live on some artistic planet in a galaxy far, far away. Schooling the kids was, I guess, my one big chance to show him I’m competent in something that matters. Plus, I love having the kids around during the day. I don’t really want to get a job “on the outside”—I like being home! But he took away the three best reasons for being home, and stuck them in school. I’m going to miss out on watching Cosette learn to read. I won’t get to teach Griffith to tie his shoe or see Seamus’s eyes light up when he makes some new discovery about nature. Some teacher in a classroom is going to get PAID to see all those things I’d gladly witness for free. And I hate that idea!
    I don’t know how to even approach it with Tristan—I’m still too angry. And he has all of next week off for Thanksgiving, so I don’t know what I’m going to do. I know we need to talk, but I don’t think the things I want to say right now would make God very happy.

Dulcie Huckleberry
J. Huckleberry
Re: My First E-mail!!!

    Congratulations on the e-mail. It came through just fine. I’m glad Tom was able to make it down to help you this weekend. Please don’t feel obligated to come early—it’s no bigdeal. Of course, we always love to see you. I’m looking forward to meeting Morris, too.

Dulcie Huckleberry
“Green Eggs and Ham”

    You guys, my mother-in-law is coming EARLY for Thanksgiving, and bringing her boyfriend with her! What am I going to do? Since Tom didn’t come home this weekend, I haven’t gotten the house cleaned yet, and I was counting on having all day Tuesday and then Wednesday, too, to finish things up, but now they’re arriving Tuesday evening! I won’t be ready on Tuesday! To make matters worse, MY mother wants to

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