Safeword: Storm Clouds

Safeword: Storm Clouds by Candace Blevins Page B

Book: Safeword: Storm Clouds by Candace Blevins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Blevins
Tags: Fiction, Horror
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Not that it was any of his business, but they were friends even if they weren't really close, and that’s the kind of things friends usually told each other.
    When she went into Abbot’s house she saw Carla and a man she didn't recognize. Carla was Abbot's hair stylist, she came to his home to cut his hair since he couldn't very well visit her during daylight hours. She knew he was a vampire and she had been bound as an employee so she wouldn't tell the secret. Kendra knew that Abbot also occasionally drank from Carla, and Carla thought that was pretty cool.
    "Kendra, you've met Carla, of course. I'd like for you to meet her husband Tom. They are newlyweds, and Carla asked me last week for permission to tell her husband about me, since she didn't want to keep secrets from him. He is here so she can tell him and I can bind him, which we have already done. Tom would like to be bitten, to see what it is that Carla experiences when I bite her. I thought you'd enjoy doing that."
    No orgasmic bite, please. Just a blissfully pleasant and non-sexual experience.
    You got it. And thanks. You're the best.
    She looked at Tom and gave what she knew to be a warm smile. "Hello Tom, it's nice to meet you. I can sense that you are nervous, there is no reason to be. I'll be gentle, there will be an instant of pain when I first bite but then it will turn into a pleasurable experience. There should be less than a second of pain."
    Kendra looked towards Carla. "Carla, do you have a preference for where I bite him?"
    "I think probably his neck?"
    "Is that good with you Tom?"
    "I don't want to have to explain bite marks."
    "They will be completely healed over by noon tomorrow. There is a healing agent in our saliva. But, Tom, you don't seem too sure of this. Let us all have a drink and sit and talk for a bit, and then see if you still want to be bitten."
    "No, I'm sure. If Carla has been being bitten then I need to understand what that has meant. And what it might mean if she keeps doing it. She says she wants to keep doing it. To keep letting Abbot bite her when she does his hair."
    "Okay then. You haven't given blood recently to the Red Cross or anything, have you?"
    "Not in a few months."
    "When you give blood, how tired are you afterwards? How long until you feel back up to speed again?"
    "I'm okay as soon as I leave, it's never made me feel dizzy or weak or anything."
    Kendra smiled. "Good, because I'm hungry. I won't take as much as the Red Cross though. They usually take around sixteen ounces, I'll only take around twelve. I usually take six or eight at a time, but... since you can handle it, I've had a rough day and twelve would make me feel much better."
    He grinned back at her. "If you've had a rough day and it will help, take sixteen if you want. I was thinking you'd take more than they take, not less."
    "Okay, sit back down, lean back against the back of your chair and relax. I'm going to come around back of you for this."
    She thought that would be better, Abbot wasn't wanting him to get the intimacy of this, and when you took from behind it was easier to ignore the intimacy of it. Stepping around behind him, she pulled his head to the right at an angle to show the length of the left side of his neck. He was incredibly tense so she massaged the muscles just a bit and told him to relax. As he relaxed she moved her left hand down across his chest to hold him in place and immediately let her teeth sink into his neck, injecting the numbing agent first and then the right combination to give him bliss without sexual ecstasy. She gave his bloodstream a second to carry away what she'd injected and then she drank. And drank. She monitored how much she was drinking and stopped at around twelve or fourteen ounces, paying special attention to use her tongue to put saliva on the two marks before she pulled her mouth away, so they would heal. She relaxed her hold on his head but otherwise stayed where she was until he raised his head back up on his

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