Sadie's Secret: 3 (The Secret Lives of Will Tucker)

Sadie's Secret: 3 (The Secret Lives of Will Tucker) by Kathleen Y'Barbo Page A

Book: Sadie's Secret: 3 (The Secret Lives of Will Tucker) by Kathleen Y'Barbo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Y'Barbo
while John and I might resemble one another, that resemblance stops at our appearance. We are quite the opposite when it comes to behavior.”
    It was Kyle’s turn to nod. “So I understand. You have an impressive record at London Metropolitan. Or do I call it Scotland Yard now?”
    “Scotland Yard, according to their letterhead.”
    “About that.” Kyle paused to allow a particularly rowdy pair of boys and their parents to slip past in the aisle. “You do look exactly like the man I arrested. My understanding is there was some consideration given to the fact that the state of Louisiana did not release the wrong man.”
    “Consideration that was withdrawn when Mr. Tucker and I testified on his behalf,” Sadie offered.
    With another appraising look, Kyle’s expression softened. “A pity that hearing took so long.”
    “Indeed.” Jefferson Tucker nodded toward the exit. “Before we board the train for Mobile, I need to see that these letters are mailed.”
    “Yes, right.” Kyle reached for Sadie’s valise, only to have her step away.
    “Thank you, but I can manage this,” she said. “The trunk that will need to be transferred is another matter entirely.”
    Kyle shared a laugh with her and then quickly sobered. “You won’t have to transfer, Sadie. This train’s going to New Orleans, and I promised Henry you would be on it.”
    “Did you?” It did not escape Sadie’s notice that Mr. Tucker watched their exchange with great interest. “Did you promise Henry anything else?”
    “Two things, actually.”
    “Oh? And what would those two things be?”
    “That I would deliver an envelope for you to read once you’re alone.” He reached into his jacket pocket and retrieved said envelope. The handwriting was unmistakably Henry Smith’s, as was the seal on the back.
    “And the other?” she asked as she tucked it into her valise.
    “That I would steer clear of your father until the situation with the Picayune is remedied to his satisfaction.”
    “Really, Kyle? There was no situation with the Picayune. Surely Uncle Penn has been able to talk sense into Daddy by now.”
    “He hadn’t two days ago when your father paid me a visit to demand Ido right by you and make a public statement denouncing the claims made in the paper.” He paused as if to allow her to take that in. “It was all very civil, really. Apparently, he and my father have a passing acquaintance that goes back several decades.”
    Sadie shook her head. Much as she appreciated the depth of her father’s love and protection, the fact that he tended to do such things wore on her. “I’m terribly sorry. He didn’t harm you, did he?”
    “No. He neither harmed me nor made any promise of injury I wouldn’t have suggested had a daughter of mine been caught in a similar situation.”
    She lowered her voice and leaned toward Kyle. “But there was no situation —”
    “Those that’s leaving need to go,” the conductor called from the doorway. “Gonna get underway here soon.”
    “Sir,” Kyle called to the railroad man. “The lady’s ticket will be changing. Can you see that her trunk remains on the train as far as New Orleans?”
    “Sure can, sir. Miss Callum, is it?”
    “Yes, that’s right. Should I settle up with you for the additional charge or go down to the station and purchase a new ticket?”
    “That’s been taken care of.” Kyle nodded to her valise. “The new ticket is in the envelope.”
    Satisfied, the conductor went off in search of Sadie’s trunk, leaving the three of them in the nearly empty railcar. Sadie took advantage of the moment to turn to Mr. Tucker.
    “I suppose this is where we part ways.” She offered her hand to shake his. “I wish you the best in whatever it is that you will be doing.”
    “Thank you, Miss Callum.” He lifted her hand to his lips and then released his grip. “And thank you again for all you’ve done to secure my release and get my valuables back.”
    “About that.” She

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