Running for Home
take it. He was not... kind.”
    He looked down at the bloodstained collar and the dress that should be burned for what it was witness to.
    “My partner is one of her kind. He has said that she will hide until she is confident. If we have to speak to her before then, we will simply have to go in after her.”
    He inclined his head, took the belt, dress and collar with him and left the room.
    The jewelled belt was locked up, and the clothing and collar were marked as evidence.
    He carried the collection outside and transported himself back to the Shifter Council Headquarters, checking in the objects before walking down to holding.
    Falkir was sitting smugly in his cell, radiating confidence.
    With deliberate motions, Derix slipped into the cell and closed it behind him.
    When he turned to face the other fey, Falkir’s face had fallen. There were no words spoken between them as Derix beat Falkir into a groaning heap.
    It wasn’t for Juno. Derix attacked for his own sense of outrage that Falkir would use that much magic for torturing another living being.
    When he left the holding cells, he nodded to the guard that had admitted him.
    Roy sat back with his feet up, shaking his head. “It was a rough arrest.”
    “Very. When the fey pick him up, send them to me if they have any questions.”
    “Will do.”
    Derix flexed his hands and rubbed his knuckles, getting most of the blood off as he walked back to the cooperative offices. He needed to get changed, finish his reports and let Apollo know what had happened to his sister. Apollo hadn’t been in on the raid for a reason. Now, Derix had to explain where Juno had disappeared to.
    It was probably his best and worst day at work all in one.

Chapter Two
    Juno nosed the leaves in her burrow around until she was comfortable, and she rested. She was in a happy, warm doze for a while when the music started again.
    He was here. He came often and played his flute in the forest. He serenaded the trees, and she couldn’t resist listening as well.
    She crept toward him, leaving the safety of her den and moving through the leaf litter. The music soared, and she crept toward the fey intruder in her territory.
    “Juno, your family needs to speak with you. I have brought you clothing, and I will leave it here.”
    He reached behind him and pulled some folded fabric around, laying it on the log that he perched on.
    As she waited in the shadows, he remained where he was, picking up his silvery flute again and raising it to his lips.
    Using the music as her cover, she crept toward him and sniffed at the clothing. It was hers. She carefully dragged it off the fallen tree and pulled it into the shadows.
    Her human form hadn’t been necessary until now, but if her family were waiting, she would put it on.
    In seconds, she was naked and had gone from paw to finger. She pulled the shirt over her head, realized it was backward and turned it around. It hung on her. She frowned. It used to be snugger.
    The jeans went on, and she had to hold them up. Her curves were gone.
    She shuffled out to where the concert was still ongoing. “Hello, Hunter Derix.”
    He nodded then looked at her and stopped the music. “What happened?”
    “What?” She lifted her free hand and patted her hair.
    “You don’t look well.”
    “I am a little hungry.” She rubbed the side of her nose.
    “Yes, you look like it.”
    She swayed. “So, shall we go back to the recovery centre?”
    “Yes. May I help you? You look a little weak.”
    Juno frowned. “I think I can manage.”
    “Fine, but if you stumble, I will carry you.”
    She swallowed and nodded. “Right. Let’s go.”
    He nodded and got to his feet. He chuckled. “Apollo has missed you.”
    They walked through the woods for an hour. She was dizzy, but she forced herself to keep walking.
    The recovery centre looked homey, but instead of taking her inside, Derix led her around the back to a wide deck that overlooked the forest and mountain

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