vehicle that you carjacked? Way to pull attention. Go inside,
mind your damned manners and tell the truth when asked. These
people can help
us, and they are willing. Most importantly, don’t make a total jerk of
yourself. Got me?”
    He didn’t just want to
shake her. He wanted to throttle her. But damn, the way those blue
eyes were sparking at him…In a lot of a ways. He grabbed her and
kissed her. Hard. Until she pushed him away. “Who are they? At
least tell me that much.”
    “ Carrie’s family. And Texas
State Troopers.”
    Horror and double horror.
“Shit. No. No. No. It’s not going to happen.”
    “ It just did.” A redheaded
woman met them at the door of the house, wearing a TST uniform. She
looked like her sister, only harder, tougher. More world-wise. “Al,
holy shit. He really does look like his brother.”
    “ We’re identical.” Seth
fought the urge to grab Blondie and drag her back to the SUV. But
that wouldn’t do any good. This woman had already seen them, knew
where they were. She’d have them caught two minutes after they’d
pulled away if they ran. He really had no choice at the moment.
Dammit. Blondie had just seriously turned the tables on
    “ So you
are. You kidnapped my sister at gunpoint. I should shoot you. At the
    “ I’d appreciate if you
didn’t. I’ve already been shot once today.”
    “ You have? What is going
on?” The woman grabbed Al and pulled her in to the house. “We have
a first aid kit in here. I take it you don’t need too much sewing
up or you wouldn’t be here. I’ll do what I can, then when my sister
gets home she can take a look at it. She’s working her way through
her nursing degree now. Future nurse practitioner.”
    “ Seth, this is Melody Beck.
Carrie’s sister. Melody’s father Kevin is retired TST. And her
sister works in computer forensics. They’ve agreed to let us stay
the night here tonight. I thought they could help. And I seriously
doubt anyone would think to check here. We’ll be safe. Then first
thing tomorrow we can go.”
    “ Let me
get this straight. This is Red’s sister. And no one would think
to call here?”
    “ My sister and I aren’t
close. We did not grow up together. We just met last June. And I
can promise you that if you’re on the up and up—and I trust
Alessandra’s judgment in that—you’ll be safe here. Besides, who
would think to question two members of the TST and one retired?”
The redhead, whose coloring wasn’t quite as vibrant as her older
sister’s, led the way through the living room and to a dining room.
“Sit down. Let’s have a look. Then I’ll change and get dinner
started. We tend to eat late around here when my two youngest
sisters aren’t home. Brynna will be home around eight. Al, are you
hurt anywhere?”
    “ No. I’m fine. I just want
to get cleaned up.”
    “ After we sew Bubba here
together, I’ve got some things you can borrow if you need
    “ I have a bag, but
everything needs washed. Including me. After we get him taken care
of, I’ll take you up on that shower.”
    Fifteen minutes later
Seth’s arm was covered by a small, neat bandage. And Blondie was
left alone. Seth wanted to go after her, bring her back where he
could see her. He didn’t trust these people—and he wasn’t so sure
he trusted Blondie. Look what she’d done the first moment his eyes
were closed.
    Still, the redhead hadn’t
arrested him—or called her buddies—yet. Maybe Blondie was right. If
all else failed he still had his gun. He could run like hell, and
hope he beat the bad guys to Amarillo. It would be a long shot. But
he’d at least try.
    The redhead stared at him.
“You do look like him, but are you like him? Sebastian is a nice guy who loves
my sister very, very much. And he gets her, just the way she is.
I’d hate to see Al get hurt because of a ringer. You
    She had the same eyes as
Red, complete with the same ability to make a man squirm. Was

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