Run Johnboy Run: The Glasgow Chronicles 2

Run Johnboy Run: The Glasgow Chronicles 2 by Ian Todd Page A

Book: Run Johnboy Run: The Glasgow Chronicles 2 by Ian Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Todd
Tags: NEU
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hid been the wan that hid been sitting oan his ain when Helen hid gone doon wae the other maws tae get them oot ae the polis station.  That hid been the Sunday that the boys hid aw been lifted fur seemingly being a walking crime wave, even though there hidnae been a shred ae evidence, at least none that she’d known aboot.  He’d said he’d seen the heidline oan The Evening Citizen poster that a boy hid died in the fire and that him and his pals wur aw really upset aboot it.  He’d also been upset that poor Elvis hid died too.  Helen knew that aw the local weans wur aw really attached tae the poor beast.  Seemingly, Tam The Bam hid gone oan a bender when he heard the news.  Helen hid sat Johnboy doon and telt him that sometimes these kind ae things happened and that’s why her and his da wur always oan tae him aboot playing wae matches.  When she’d telt Jimmy that night, he’d telt her tae keep an eye oan Johnboy, bit no tae speak tae him aboot it.
      “He’ll get o’er it soon enough.  When Ah wis his age, me and ma pals wur playing up at the Nolly and wan ae them ended up getting droont.  Ah furgoat aw aboot him efter a couple ae weeks and jist goat oan wae ma life.  Ah still think aboot him every noo and again though.”
       A couple ae days later, Helen’d hid her first encounter wae the sleekit wee man that Molloy hid called The Rat.  Pat hidnae been exaggerating either…ye could’ve chopped sticks wae that face ae his.  He wis pretty gaunt and thin, wae a sharp hooked nose, sharp yellow protruding teeth and a thin weedy-looking moustache, stuck oan between his tap lip and that hooked nose ae his.  It wis the kind ae moustache that ye’d hiv tae be very careful wae when ye trimmed or shaped it.  Wan false move and it wid’ve been gone furever.  He wore a dirty thin beige cloth raincoat that ye could spit through, so Christ knows how it wis meant tae keep the rain aff.  When he walked, he stooped o’er and kind ae scurried.  He wis jist like a rat, Helen remembered thinking when she first clapped eyes oan the weedy wee gnaff.  This wis wan guy who’d definitely sell his granny fur a tanner and two tipped single fags.  As soon as she’d clapped eyes oan him, despite whit Pat Molloy hid said, she’d made up her mind there and then tae keep him well oot ae her face.
      “Er, excuse me, missus?” he’d squeaked, expressing surprise when she body-swerved roond him. 
      Ha, he didnae expect that wan, the wee weasel, she’d smiled tae hersel.  She’d been a wee bit surprised at first tae find that he must’ve taken the hint as he seemed tae suddenly disappear intae thin air.  She couldnae see him oot ae the side ae her eyes nor hear the sound ae they wee feet ae his scurrying behind her either.  She’d still detected his presence though, bit there wis no way she’d been gonnae look behind tae see if he wis tailing her, so she’d jist kept walking up Parly Road, minding her ain business.  Jist as she crossed the road at Taylor Street, she’d stoapped and hid a look in the windae ae McCluskey’s, the butchers oan the corner.  As she wis looking at aw the nice tasty ashet steak pies, she’d managed a wee sly look oot ae the side ae her eye tae her right while she wis kidding oan that she wis looking at the price ae a bit ae meat she couldnae afford that wis hinging oan a hook up tae the right.  Efter relaxing, she’d peered aw the way back doon the road tae The Grafton picture hoose, bit still, there hid been nae sign ae him.  He surely couldnae be that good, she’d jist thought tae hersel when she clocked the wee basturt.  He’d been loitering wae intent across the road, behind her.  He’d looked a bit agitated, probably due tae the fact that he didnae hiv any cover and wis shoogling aboot, looking as if he wisnae sure whit tae dae wae himsel next. Wance she knew where he wis, she’d felt back in control.  She’d sauntered intae the shoap and stood in the

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