Ruining Mr. Perfect (The McCauley Brothers)

Ruining Mr. Perfect (The McCauley Brothers) by Marie Harte Page A

Book: Ruining Mr. Perfect (The McCauley Brothers) by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
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you and Cam?” Abby asked.
    She shrugged. “We’re pretty new. Besides, we’re keeping this casual. Low key. So I’ll spend the night with her, and Cameron too, if he’s not busy, and you guys go out like you were planning to.”
    “You sure?” Maddie asked.
    “Yeah.” Besides, this way she wouldn’t be so nervous about her relationship progressing too quickly.
    “Okay, then. If you’re sure,” Abby agreed. “You’ve got Beth. One other thing I wanted to remind you guys. The book club is meeting here on Thursday night. Don’t forget. And Vanessa, don’t even think of wriggling out of it.” She turned a pretty pink. “We’re reading my book.”
    Maddie grinned. “Oh. Which one?”
    “ Paradise Between My Legs ? Or The Perfect Pussy , Volume Two?” Vanessa asked with a straight face.
    Abby scowled. “You’re horrible. The book is Fielder’s Folly . My second Policemen Do It Better romance.”
    “Oh, that one. Well, it’s got dominant heroes, suspense, and sex, so I guess I’ll read it.” Actually, she’d read it when the book had first released. Abby had a real gift with words, and she could write a sex scene like nobody’s business.
    “Gee, Vanessa. Don’t do me any favors.”
    “I’m not. Well, I am. But I said I’d come, so I will.”
    Abby shook her head. Maddie muffled a laugh and said, “I’ll be there, Abs. Robin and Kim too, even though Kim says she’s not that into the male sex parts.”
    “See? Another friend taking one for the team.” Vanessa chuckled at Abby’s growl. Then the three of them took bets on what Mike might really be doing for Valentine’s Day, especially if Beth kept throwing eligible women at him.
    Vanessa continued the conversation, her mood light. Yet a part of her wondered how Cameron would react to her taking charge of Valentine’s Day plans. Would he be angry she hadn’t consulted him first? Only time would tell, and she waited on pins and needles to see the real Cameron McCauley stand up.

Chapter 7
    Cam put down the phone and stared at it. Vanessa had decided to spend Valentine’s Day with his mother? “Is she serious?” he asked aloud.
    Wednesday morning in his new office, and he couldn’t concentrate on the handsome but comfortable leather furniture Maddie had selected. Or the slate gray walls with accents of dark blue and brown around the room. His modern desk, with its sleek design in a dark composite, was a true work of art. But since spending an ideal weekend with sexy Vanessa, he’d had a difficult time focusing on his job.
    Now to find out the woman he thought of as his had plans to avoid him on what could have been their first holiday together? Hell no.
    He thought about it, needing to handle this first test. He knew Vanessa, as much as she might not want him to. This avoidance and how he reacted would show the stubborn woman exactly how much of him she could manipulate. That he’d let her manipulate.
    A woman like Vanessa had her own mind. He respected that about her. But he refused to be constantly maneuvered in this relationship. They would be equals. Not one dominant over the other, even if the woman had a reputation for running right over anyone who opposed her fascist sense of right. She needed a man she could trust, one who wouldn’t bow to her every whim. She needed him.
    With that in mind, he called the one person he knew would help him, no questions asked.
    She picked up on the third ring. “Hello?”
    “Abby, it’s Cam.”
    “Oh, hi, Cam. Don’t you sound all grown up on the phone.”
    He laughed. “Thanks. I think.”
    “What can I do for you? Just name it.”
    Her desire to help pleased him. “I need help. Vanessa has volunteered herself to spend Valentine’s Day with my mother, but I had plans for our first holiday together.”
    “Oh. Hmm.” She paused. “You know, Mike talked to Brody and Flynn about this just this morning. I’m sure he’ll be calling you soon. He was planning to surprise your mom. An

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