Ruin Porn

Ruin Porn by SJD Peterson, S.A. McAuley Page B

Book: Ruin Porn by SJD Peterson, S.A. McAuley Read Free Book Online
Authors: SJD Peterson, S.A. McAuley
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plans with Sid and then it’s off to do a photo shoot.”
    “I’ll shoot you,” Ritchie piped in sleepily as he trudged in behind Miah.
    Evin started to close his eyes again and a strike of pain radiated across his ass from a hard slap. Seconds later, his blankets were ripped away.
    “Hey! What the hell, man?” Evin jerked upright, trying to glare at Miah, but the harsh light burned his eyes and he covered them.
    “Looks like someone was having naughty wet dreams.” Miah chuckled.
    Evin’s hand flew to his crotch to cover his half-there erection. He grabbed for the blanket, but Miah pulled it out of his reach. “You can be a real ass sometimes, Miah,” Evin complained and scrambled from the bed, keeping his hand over his cock as he stomped to the bathroom.
    “As opposed to a fake one?”
    Evin slammed the bathroom door. He could hear Finn curse and Ritchie shouting about something, obviously Miah was now attacking them. A quick piss—not the easiest thing to do with morning wood—and then he set the taps on the shower. No way in hell was Miah going to let any of them go back to sleep. Showered, teeth brushed, and hard-on finally under control, Evin stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, drying his hair with another one.
    “About damn time,” Ritchie complained and rushed past him. “Miah didn’t even give me time to piss this morning.”
    “Come, sit. We have croissants and coffee,” Finn offered, holding up a mug.
    Evin took a seat at the small table and grabbed a buttery croissant. “I thought Miah said something about going to breakfast with Sid?”
    “We are. This is the appetizer.”
    Evin took a big bite, chewing the yummy goodness as he looked around the room. “Where’d he go?”
    “Off to irritate the shit out of someone else. Unfortunately we gotta meet him down in the lobby soon.”
    Evin snatched up one of the coffees and took a tentative sip from the ceramic mug. Without looking up from his cup, he asked, “So did you guys have fun last night?”
    “Eh, it was okay. Drank too much and passed out,” Finn said with vagueness that Evin would have thought was genuine if he didn’t know better. He stored away the fact that Finn was a really good liar and just let him continue. “I feel like shit this morning. I should have gone to bed when you did.”
    With me would have been nice. Evin hid his smile behind his cup. “Well, you know what they say.”
    “Yeah, well, they should have told me not to have that last shot.”
    “Or the five I’m sure you had before you came up,” Evin teased.
    “Those too,” Finn admitted. “Hurry up, Myer! Ow.” Finn winced and held his head in his hands. “Note to self—screaming bad.”
    Evin pushed away from the table. “I got some aspirin in my bag.”
    “Thanks, but Ritchie already hooked me up.”
    He sure did. Evin shoved the rest of his croissant in his mouth and walked over to his duffel. He pulled out some clean boxers and slipped them on before dropping the damp towel on the floor. He bent down to grab his jeans and caught Finn staring at him out of the corner of his eye. Instead of straightening up, Evin rummaged around in his bag, giving Finn all the time he wanted to check out his ass. He found a clean T-shirt, jeans, and socks before he stood. He tossed the clothes on the bed. Keeping his back to Finn, he bent at the waist and put on first one sock, then the other before standing up. He could barely contain his laughter by the time he finished dressing as he turned around and caught Finn still looking at him.
    The large bulge in Finn’s sweatpants and the fact that he looked away quickly and dropped his hands to his lap, covering himself, told Evin all he needed to know. Finn obviously liked what he saw.
    “All yours, Finn,” Ritchie announced as he stepped out of the bathroom.
    Finn shot out of the chair, practically knocking Ritchie down as he rushed to the bathroom.
    “Who the hell set your

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