Rug Burns (Reviving Haven Book 2)

Rug Burns (Reviving Haven Book 2) by Cory Cyr Page A

Book: Rug Burns (Reviving Haven Book 2) by Cory Cyr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cory Cyr
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dating Mother Teresa in drag,” I replied as I rolled my eyes.
    “Hey, don’t blame me. I tried to show him the way many times.” He snorted. “He must really like you, for reasons I have yet to fathom.” He laughed.
    “Blow me, McKay.”
    Latch and Haven laughed. It was friendly banter, but I was still troubled. He had hurt her both emotionally and physically. For now, he looked sober, and I prayed his rehab stuck. I’d read too many instances of the rich and famous falling off the wagon. I didn’t want my bestie and her baby to be a casualty. Still, I was optimistic he was there for the long haul.
    Keenan had known about this. He was Latch’s best friend, like brothers. He had deliberately kept all of this from me. When he returned from the East Coast a few days later, I was miffed. True, I’d spent the last few days building up my anger. Not only about finding out Latch and Haven had gotten back together, but also everything else. I was sexually deprived. Basically starving for affection. Fuck my life.
    He came over that night. He knew I was pissed. The British were nothing if not astute.
    “You blatantly kept everything from me,” I said as I pierced him with a cold look.
    “It wasn’t my tale to tell, and by the by, you didn’t say a word to me about a baby either.”
    “That’s totally different. It was for safety reasons, and you know it. I wasn’t going to announce Haven was carrying Latch’s child after he just assaulted her.” My voice had definitely gotten louder. Oh shit. This was our first fight. Fuck me. We were a couple.
    Keenan grabbed me gently by the elbow. “He would never hurt her.” He spoke softly as he swept his hand through his pale hair. “Latch has changed; he’s a much different man now. They belong together. You could have trusted me. I would have kept your secret, you know.”
    God, he was beautiful. His eyes softened as he spoke to me, melting every part of my body. If he didn’t stop, I’d be a puddle on my floor. “It doesn’t matter now. They’re together. All I care about is Haven’s happiness and if he’s really changed. I will kill him, you know, if he hurts her again. There will be no place he can hide.”
    “I know, Weezie. You are a potent force. Now say you forgive me.”
    He was very close. I could feel his breath on my skin as he spoke, warm and inviting. My entire body prickled with excitement; my heart fluttered in anticipation. I had no doubt I could forgive this man for anything. He made my body come alive with sensations I’d never felt. He made me want things I’d never considered. He scared the shit out of me emotionally. In that area, I considered myself barren. I’d built the walls so high no one could get over them, but he could.
    Keenan placed one of his hands on each side of my face and bent his head low. Our eyes locked in what became a defining moment. His lips brushed mine ever so softly, his teeth gently nipping my bottom lip. Then his tongue teased the corners of my mouth as he pushed forward. I wanted to be in control of this kiss. But he’d caught me off guard, and now our tongues embraced in a duel for ownership. I heard moans from both of us as he drew me into his chest. My breasts crushed into him as we embraced. The way he kissed was refined yet possessive. My body became alive as he held me tighter. All my senses became aware as my core became aroused, and I wanted nothing more than to take this to the next level.
    But he wasn’t excited, not really. I felt something, but nothing to inspire me. He could kiss me like this, and I gave him zero, zip in the pants department. Seriously. What. The. Fuck? I pulled away and stood back. I felt drunk with need, but I needed to grab my bearings.
    “What the hell was that?” I asked as I studied his face.
    “I’m sure they call it the same in America. I kissed you. Has it been so long that you’ve forgotten what a kiss is?” he asked, his voice filled with levity.
    “I know what

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