Rose Red
mercenary army, but has never dared to trust a condottiere to lead such an army, fearing the condottiere would only
use her money to put himself in power.”
    “That is often the way of things,” Andrea
observed dryly.
    “Therefore, she has waited for an honest man
to appear. The duchess Eleonora believes you may be that man. I
agree with her.”
    “You want me to conquer Monteferro for you?”
Andrea repeated.
    “And see to the disposition of the Guidi
family,” Bartolomeo added. “All of them, every last child, every
ancient grandmother, must go into permanent exile, with no hope of
ever returning.”
    “To accomplish that particular feat, it will
be necessary to prove the Guidi guilty of a terrible treachery,”
Andrea said, “and, probably, to kill any male member of the family
who is capable of bearing arms, or who will be capable in the
    “It might be simpler to see that they are all
left bankrupt,” Bartolomeo suggested.
    “Now, that is an interesting idea, and one
far more to my liking than the thought of shedding the blood of an
entire family.” Andrea smiled. “Tell me, Bartolomeo, what is the
duchess Eleonora offering me in return for this great favor she
expects of me?”
    “Great favor?” Bartolomeo repeated. With a
dry chuckle, he said, “It is only thanks to the efforts of Madonna
Eleonora’s household that you are still alive.”
    “ If I
accept this offer, I will be putting my life in danger once more,”
Andrea countered Bartolomeo’s remarks with the negotiating skill he
had been taught in what now seemed like another lifetime.
“Any condottiere would expect some reward for winning a city.”
    “Two cities,” said Bartolomeo. “You will have
to conquer Aullia, too, for the Guidi control it as well as
Monteferro. Marco Guidi’s younger brother is the new ruler of
    “Is he, indeed? Well, in that case, my reward
should be all the greater,” Andrea responded. “How, may I ask, do
you imagine the accomplishment of this enormous task will help me
in the discovery of my brother’s murderer? The conquest of two
city-states can only present a distraction from my primary
    “A man as clever as you should have no
difficulty at all in achieving everything he desires,” Bartolomeo
said in a smooth tone that made his companion look sharply at him.
“Once you hold both cities securely, the duchess Eleonora is
prepared to offer you a position of responsibility in Aullia.”
    “ Really?”
Andrea’s smile made Bartolomeo frown. “Is that the best for which I
can hope? Is there to be no daughter’s hand in marriage? It is the
usual reward for a successful condottiere, especially when there is no son
to inherit.”
    “Madonna Bianca is the legitimate heiress to
Monteferro,” Bartolomeo said. “She will be expected to make a grand
marriage of state.”
    “To consolidate her family’s power.” Andrea
nodded and smiled again.
    “Naturally.” Bartolomeo was looking a bit
annoyed by the course the discussion was taking. “Of course,
Madonna Rosalinda, as the younger daughter, would have a bit more
freedom in her choice of husband.”
    “ Her
choice of husband?”
    “The duchess Eleonora would want her younger
child to marry well.”
    “To a man in a position of responsibility in
Aullia?” Andrea suggested.
    “That is a possibility.” Bartolomeo spoke
with diplomatic blandness, revealing nothing, yet hinting at
    “It had better be a certainty, or the duchess
Eleonora will have to look elsewhere for someone to lead her army,”
Andrea said.
    “We can discuss the matter with the duchess
Eleonora,’’ Bartolomeo offered.
    “Tell me,” said Andrea, “if, after our little
talk this evening, I decide to say no to this offer, will I leave
Villa Serenita alive?”
    “If you refuse the offer,” said Bartolomeo
smoothly, “there will be no need for you to leave the villa at
    “I thought so.” Andrea rose. “You may tell
the duchess

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