Rosa in Sparkle City

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Book: Rosa in Sparkle City by Poppy Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Poppy Collins
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faces became visible.
    â€œWe are sorry to disturb you again, fairy princesses,” began the king.
    â€œBut there was something we forgot to tell you this morning,” the queen continued. “We know this is a big task to ask of you, and so we want to make sure you’re rewarded.”
    The king’s grey eyes looked serious. “If the show is successful,” he said, “we’d like to thank you by giving you a stone in Paradise Square.”
    â€œYou’ll be beside all the other fairies of Sparkle City who’ve done something special for us,” added the queen. “Thank you, fairy princesses, for all you are doing for our jubilee.”
    Before anyone could reply, the vision in the mirror began to fade.
    The fairy princesses looked at one another, reached out to hold hands and started jumping with excitement. Paradise Square – it was amazing! The square’s pavements were engraved with the names of very important Sparkle City inhabitants – it was something very special indeed to have your name written there.
    â€œNow we have to make sure our fashion show is amazing – it’s got to be a catwalk extravaganza!” cried Rosa.
    â€œI can’t believe we’ve been given the chance to have our names placed in Paradise Square!” said Bluebell, spinning on the spot.
    â€œWell, we must make sure we have an amazing grand finale. It wouldn’t be a fashion show without one!” added Buttercup.
    Violet was already pulling out the fabrics the fairy-helper had brought, throwing them on to the studio’s tables. “The problem is, how are we going to get it done in time?” Violet’s long curly hair swung about as she waved different pieces of material in the air.

    â€œLet’s try not to panic,” said Rosa, putting a hand on Violet’s shoulder. “If we organize ourselves properly, I’m sure we can do it.”
    â€œRosa’s right,” agreed Buttercup, blinking her blonde eyelashes.
    â€œHmm, let me think about this,” said Rosa. She chewed on a pink glitter pencil, deep in thought.

    Her friends waited in silence. Knowing how practical Rosa was, they could always rely on her to come up with a good solution.
    â€œOK, I think the problem is that we’re all here together. What we need to do is split up. That’ll save us time,” Rosa began. “As well as working on the designs in the studio, some of us need to go out shopping. We need to find inspiration and different pieces for our outfits.”
    â€œGreat idea!” the others replied.
    Rosa smiled. “Good. So how about Violet and I go shopping, while Bluebell and Buttercup stay here and work on the designs and fabric we already have?”
    â€œIt sounds like the perfect solution,” said Bluebell.
    â€œI agree!” cried Violet, grabbing Rosa by the arm. “Come on, let’s go!”
    â€œWe won’t be too long,” Rosa called over her shoulder. But in just one day , thought Rosa, will we be able to create fashions that everyone in Sparkle City will love, as well as designing outfits fit for a king and queen’s jubilee? Rosa crossed her fingers tightly as they flew out of the door. She hoped so!

Rosa stopped at the door of the palace. “Can we borrow two shopping-storks, please?” she asked the fairy-helper who took care of the storks.
    â€œOf course, Princess Rosa,” she replied, and called two storks out of their nesting room.
    The pale pink storks were the perfect shopping accessory. Rosa loved them – and not just because they were her favourite colour! The large birds each carried a giant net that held a lot more than two fairies would ever be able to carry!
    The two fairy princesses flew over the cobbled palace drive, the shopping-storks close behind them. There was nothing that beat the feeling of flying, Rosa thought as she swept past the pony stables, the wild-flower

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