ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection)

ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection) by C.J. Ayers Page A

Book: ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection) by C.J. Ayers Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.J. Ayers
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alone, more startled than the crowd of coffee drinkers.

Chapter 4
    Blake stared at Jacob, horrified. "You missed the meeting?"
    Jakob barely looked at him as he shrugged out of his suit coat and tossed it onto the cherry wood bench lining his pack home's entrance hall. All he could think of was Sabrina. Had he blown it? He didn't think that was possible. Once established, the connection with your mate could never be severed. But still... She had run from him twice already.
    Blake's anger overwhelmed him. He felt his body wanting to shift. His eyes glowed a golden orange and his fingers extended towards the floor.
    "Pull it back in," Jakob said. "Now is not the time."
    Blake forced himself to concentrate. Soon his breathing normalized and his eyes were once again a very average looking hazel. He was embarrassed at such an outburst in front of Jakob.
    "Did you hear what I said," Jakob growled, "or are you so focused on money you can think of nothing else?" Blake did not respond so Jakob continued. "I found my mate."
    Blake knew Jacob shouldn't be faulted for what had happened—when you found your mate, there was nothing so important as solidifying the bond—but he didn't care. If Jakob couldn't do the deal himself, he should've sent Blake in his place.
    Jakob sensed Blake's anger, and it unsettled him. Blake had always been loyal, but he felt that loyalty waver now. It upset Jakob to think that Blake, his oldest friend and second in charge, could show signs of wanting the blood draw. If Blake persisted, Jakob would have no choice but to put him in his place. Even if that meant banishment from the pack. Or worse.
    "Next time, I'll go to the meeting." Blake said.
    Jakob's growl grew deep in his throat. "You are still second , Blake. You do not make demands, you ask permission." He paused and let the strength of his will wash over Blake's own. All alpha's had the ability to force their will onto clan members. It was for the safety of the pack this was possible—contradiction in a clan led to death and destruction.
    Blake tried to fight the power of Jakob's injunction, but it was stronger than his own.
    "Forgive me," Blake finally said, because he had no choice. The words were bitter on his tongue.
    Jakob nodded, dismissing Blake. He would deal with him later. For now, there were more important matters to take care of.
    Jakob was hunting Sabrina. He found her scent easily in the air. Even from miles away, it could not hide from him. There was something else... a gentle tugging at the back of his brain that told him where she was. He'd heard the stories, of course, of sharing a connection with your mate so strong it was like you were one person. He'd thought the stories were exaggerated. He knew now it was the opposite.
    Jakob left his house early and followed Sabrina on her Saturday morning routine. She'd stopped first at a convenient store and come out carrying a bottle of water. She'd seen him, but he'd disappeared quickly, knowing it wasn't the right time to reveal himself.
    Next, she stopped at the bank. She'd seen him again, and he smiled at her through the window and continued on his way, as if the meeting were mere coincidence.
    Now he stood outside a coffee shop. Not the same one as last time. This one offered chocolate mocha volcano cups, whatever those were. He watched through the window as Sabrina placed her order.
    Sabrina knew Jakob was outside. He'd been following her all morning. She didn't know if he thought she was too dumb to notice, or so confident that it didn't matter.
    She tried to gather her thoughts. Call the police? No. Despite his trailing her everywhere, she didn't feel threatened by him. She felt flattered. A rich, sexy man was giving up his Saturday morning to follow her around as she ran menial tasks like going to the bank and buying coffee.
    She looked at the latte in her hand—coffee was her one vice, she couldn't live without it—and knew she shouldn't spend the money on it. She'd had

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