Rolling Thunder (2007)

Rolling Thunder (2007) by Jack - Seals 04 Terral Page B

Book: Rolling Thunder (2007) by Jack - Seals 04 Terral Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack - Seals 04 Terral
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    Oh, my God! both Wanda and Betty exclaimed together.
    Y'know, Sam said to Chad, we see a lot of you special operations guys, but I've never had a chance to talk to any of you. He took a sip of beer. When I joined the Air Force, I did it 'cause a couple of my buddies had decided to. Now that I'm in and seen a lot that goes on, I wished I'd tried for something like the SEALs. He gestured around the room. This fucking part of the Air Force is for candy-asses. Hell, even girls can do the jobs here.
    Screw you! Betty snapped at him.
    Anyhow, Sam continued, I volunteered for para-rescue and got accepted. I'm being shipping back to the States to go through my training.
    Good riddance, Wanda said with a sneer.
    Oh, yeah? Sam retorted. I'll be in a real adventurous outfit. Death-defying shit. Making parachute jumps behind enemy lines to rescue pilots that have been shot down. This is boring here. And will I pick up the chicks between missions! You gals don't like to admit it, but you go for us macho types.
    Not me! Wanda protested. I go for guys like Randy Tooley.
    Now the other airman, Tommy, jumped into the conversation. He's a little runty nerd!
    Maybe so, Wanda said. But he's a go-getter. He's only an E-Four, but he runs this place. Colonel Watkins trusts him so much he lets him do anything he wants. Have you noticed he doesn't wear a uniform? He looks like a Santa Monica beach bum who hasn't held a steady job in his life.
    So what's that got to do with sex? Sam asked.
    Nothing, Wanda said. But when he gets out of the service, he's going to have that same attitude. He's the kind of ninny who ends up rich and powerful. And eventually, I want a rich husband who can get me every single goddamn solitary thing I want.
    Mmm, Tommy said. You're probably right about Randy.
    Sam turned his attention back to Chad. So I'll be going to Fort Benning for jump school before I go through the rescue course. Is it tough?
    Not really, Chad said. The guys that go into the SEALs or Marine Force Recon or Special Forces and Rangers in the Army have a lot tougher training ahead of them. Are you thinking of going to HALO school too?
    What's that? Sam asked.
    High altitude, low opening, Chad replied. You jump and fall a long ways before opening your chute.
    Yeah! I'm gonna do that.
    Jesus! You'll be splattered all over the countryside, you dumb shit! Tommy exclaimed.
    You'll probably break your ankle before that happens, Chad said.
    Penny was growing tired of what she considered boring conversation. She took Chad's arm and stood up. Let's dance.
    They left the table and joined others dancing to the country-western singing of Patty Loveless.
    2350 HOURS
    BOTH Chad and Penny were drunk as they walked arm in arm back toward the barracks area. She was in a good mood. That guy Sam is an idiot, isn't he?
    Oh, for wanting to do all that boyish stuff, Jenny said. What a moron!
    He wants to prove something, Chad said, irritated by the way she didn't understand the guy.
    Prove what?
    Chad stopped. He wants to prove to himself that he can accept a challenge. He wants the discipline that lifestyle will give him. It all points him in a direction he wants to go.
    Well, maybe, Penny allowed. Anyhow, you've already proved yourself, Chad. In another year, you'll be a civilian.
    Being a SEAL is a complicated thing, Chad said. It pulls at you, enfolds you, and makes you feel outside of normal society and its decorum.
    Aw! Penny said with a light laugh. You'll get over that shit.
    It's not shit, Chad said. It's a way of life.
    Penny suddenly sobered, glancing at the young man at her side. For the first time, she felt really frightened about her relationship with Chad. Maybe she had lost him already.
    THE territory occupied by the PPB Pashto Rebel Army was dominated by steep peaks that eased down into slanting plateaus broken up by the craggy terrain. Natural caves dominated the region, in

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