Rohvim #1: Metal and Flesh

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Book: Rohvim #1: Metal and Flesh by Endi Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Endi Webb
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shuttering the doors and windows. The activity rose steadily until the city was in complete pandemonium.
    “Mother, I’m going to the east gate to see what’s happening. You two go on to the Markham estate.”
    She stared at him sternly, “If I know your father, he would have commanded you to stay and protect me and your sister.” She drew his sword and shook it at him. “And protect us you will!”
    “Just for a few minutes, mother, I’ll meet you at the estate within twenty. The army is still half an hour away at least.” He turned towards the east as his mother looked after him disapprovingly. He ran down the streets, which were slowly being depleted of people, and saw clumps of citizen warriors in groups of threes and fours taking positions in alleyways, behind doors, concealing themselves to fall upon any invaders that made it through the gates into the city. He approached the eastern wall, which loomed tall ahead of him.
    “Aeden!” He whirled around, looking for who called his name, and saw the master healer in an open market with several other healers. They had rearranged the display tables, the owner of the goods having already hidden them away somewhere, and some were unloading the contents of boxes that looked like they contained healing supplies—white cloths, string, splints, among other materials.
    “Master! What are you doing?” Aeden ran over to the market.
    The old man motioned with his head, “The lord ordered us to set up a forward clinic here near the east gate. As the casualties come in, we can quickly heal some of them and send them back to defend the gate. Jonathan! Put those over there!” he barked at a young man holding a stack of cloths, who then placed them under a table in the center.
    “What did the lord talk to you about when he took you aside?” Aeden asked.
    “Mainly plans for this setup here. He asked how quickly a healer could mend a wounded warrior, and I told him that it depends on the wound. For blunt blows to the head, or even swords through the belly or lungs, I can within a minute heal someone such that they will not die, and under normal circumstances quickly recover, though here we will send them out again, with diminished capabilities, yes, but at least able to defend themselves. He also asked about my knowledge of the lands to the east and north.”
    “I have travelled very little to the east, and know only that beyond the mountains lies a vast wasteland. I know none that have travelled it. To the north lies the kingdoms of Volda, Vaasa, Ramala, and other smaller kingdoms, though to their east as well lays the same wasteland. I travelled some in the north several years ago, but there were no rumors of war then. I tell you this army appeared out of nowhere.”
    Aeden followed the man as he went about the market, ordering his healers. “Priam told me something strange. His parents were in the eastern mountains and witnessed the army pass. They were close, and saw that the army appeared very … well, the words they used, they said they all had stone faces.”
    The man stiffened and looked up. He said nothing for several moments, only looking at Aeden in shock.
    “Master. Does this mean something to you?”
    He staggered back and sat on a table, murmuring slowly, “Yes, it does.” He breathed in. “It means, that there is one at the head of that army that knows his true nature. He is a master of his rohva self, and has imposed his will upon what appears now to me to be several thousand innocent men and women. Those people are drones. They are under his, or her, control.”
    “We can control others? Not just talk to their minds and enter, but control them?” Aeden’s voice steadily rose in alarm.
    “We can indeed. Though only very talented rohvim can do so. I know of perhaps fifteen, maybe twenty that are capable of it. But those that I know would never do this. There must be someone we have not met that has the true knowledge.” He sprang to his

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