Rogue Powers

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Book: Rogue Powers by Phil Stern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phil Stern
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your hand in marriage.” Grimly, the king smiled. “I have granted it.”
    “No!” Eyes growing wide, she stamped her foot. “I will not have it!”
    “You are betrothed. It is done.”
    “But even if I wanted him, my Lord...” Stunned, Lydia forgot herself, causing several nearby objects to glow. “I’m only sixteen, my Lord. I turn seventeen in two months!”
    “You are betrothed,” he repeated. “Your wedding day will be on your 18 th birthday.”
    “Listen, young lady.” Rising to his feet, the King came to stand before her. “Prince Tenen will make a fine husband. He led the final attack that scattered the Karden army on campaign, after Prince Garob had been slain.”
    “But my liege...”
    “Tenen’s now a hero! Any girl would be happy with such a match.” Exasperated, the King folded his arms. “What’s the problem?”
    “My Lord...” Tears welling in her eyes, Lydia briefly looked away. “I don’t love him! Why, I don’t even like him very much!”
    The King grunted. “You will, in time.”
    “I don’t think so,” she whispered, soft brown eyes imploring the elderly monarch. “That’s just not possible.”
    Despite himself, the King was moved. “My dear,” he gently began.  “Your wedding day is over a year hence. Don’t jump to any hasty conclusions, I beg of you.”
    Lydia wiped away a tear. “And what of my mother?”
    “We are searching for her.” The King spoke coldly, turning and wandering back across the room. “When we discover her, and we will, I assure you, then I will make a determination as to her fate.”
    Gasping, Lydia drew back. An expensive painting by her head came to life, dark colors angrily pulsing. “You are unfair, my liege!”
    “I am the King,” he replied, dropping once more into his favorite chair. “Fairness has nothing to do with it.”
    “But my mother would never...” Trailing off, Lydia realized it was useless. Nearly bursting with fear and frustration, she nevertheless  forced herself to bow low. “May I take my leave of you, my Lord?”
    Turning on her heel, the princess advanced on the heavy door behind her.
    “Oh, and Lydia? One more thing.”
    Angrily wiping away a tear, she took a second to compose herself, then turned back to the King. “Yes, my Lord?”
    “You have two powers, is that correct?” The King’s heavy gaze bore in on her. “This glowing light thing and talking to animals?”
    “Yes...yes, my liege.” Now the tears were starting to flow freely.
    “There’s nothing else?” he continued. “No secret power we have yet to celebrate?”
    “What? I mean...” Holding a hand to her head, Lydia felt the room beginning to spin. “No, my Lord. Are two talents not enough?”
    “Of course. We are all very proud of you.” The King paused. “Well, you may go now.”
    Nearly sobbing, Lydia yanked open the massive wooden door, racing from the chamber.
    Well, the King thought, mentally retrieving and then filling the goblet with wine, the girl seemed harmless enough. Lighted pictures and sociable bunny rabbits were no threat to the Kingdom.
    Yet Lydia was clearly bursting with power, far more than could be accounted for by her two somewhat mundane talents.
    If Aprina was indeed far more powerful than they’d ever suspected, could her daughter possibly possess an almost unprecedented third ability? Perhaps something the girl wasn’t even aware of herself?
    The situation would bear watching.
    Firmly closing the cottage door, Aprina allowed herself a moment to finally relax, leaning against the hard, unyielding wood with a soft sigh.
    Located on the outskirts of Yarlee, a village in the central Kingdom, she’d rented her refuge with a tiny sliver of gold. As expected, the Stallion she’d taken from the royal stables had a small stash of jewels and precious metals secreted in the saddle, so money wasn’t an immediate issue.
    Sadly, Aprina reflected on the purpose of the

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