
RodeHard by Lauren Fraser Page B

Book: RodeHard by Lauren Fraser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Fraser
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weekend she hoped to be a lot more sore, she
thought and smiled to herself.
    Justin placed a kiss against the small of her back then
hopped up to dispose of his condom. A second later he was back beside her.
    Kasey’s stomach rumbled. He slapped his palm against his abs
and Kat burst out laughing. Something so simple as a rumbly tummy somehow made
the moment seem so completely normal.
    Kat pushed herself up. “All right, let’s get you guys fed
because I have plans for the rest of the night.” This was her one chance to
live out the fantasy. She planned to make the most of it.

Chapter Ten
    Duncan stood and walked over to his saddle bags and rooted
around. Naked, he turned and triumphantly held up a big bottle of tequila.
“Anybody up for some shots?”
    Kat grinned. “Count me in.”
    Dunc plopped the bottle down on the little counter and
pulled some cups out of his bag. The man really came prepared.
    She pushed herself up and reached for Justin’s discarded
shirt. Kasey’s hand slapped down on hers. “Uh-uh, honey, no need to get
    Kat chewed her lower lip and eyed the three perfect male
specimens in front of her. They seriously expected her to wander around,
drinking and eating, naked. She glanced over at Justin who shrugged.
    “I’m definitely going to need a shot,” she groaned.
    No sooner had she said the words than Duncan handed her a
cup with a shot of tequila. She downed it in one gulp, feeling the burn as it
made its way down her throat to her gut. “Holy crap,” she muttered when she
could finally speak.
    Justin laughed. “Ah, Dunc must have brought the good stuff.”
    Kat eyed her empty glass. They had different definitions of
good tequila.
    Justin placed a kiss on her lips then pushed himself off the
floor. “All right, who’s cooking?” he asked.
    The three men pulled out the big guns to decide. After a
rousing battle of rock, paper, scissors, Kasey emerged as the loser. With the
lighter in hand he fired up the portable BBQ on the counter.
    With the grill lit he turned to look at the others. “Are you
guys seriously going to let me do everything?”
    Justin and Duncan shrugged. “Well, you did lose,” Justin
    Kat rolled her eyes. Men. She stood and walked toward Kasey.
His eyes tracked her body as she moved, naked, across the room. “I’ll help
you,” she said when she stopped in front of him
    Kasey grinned. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled
her against his hard, muscular body. “Thank you, darlin’,” he murmured then
pressed his lips against hers.
    When they pulled apart Duncan and Justin were no longer
sitting on the floor but had joined them in the kitchen. Kat took one look at
the lust on their faces and held up her hand. “Oh no you don’t. You guys are
feeding me before we do anything else.”
    Justin trailed his hand down her spine, leaving goose bumps
pooling along her back. “You sure? Kase could cook and we could work up more of
an appetite while we wait.”
    God that sounded good. She glanced over at Duncan who
grinned as if that was the best idea he’d ever heard, then at Kasey who, bless
him, was pouting as if he’d had his favorite toy broken. Kat laughed. She didn’t
have the heart to do that to Kase.
    She patted Kasey on the cheek. “Don’t worry, big guy, we
won’t make you do all the work.”
    Kasey kissed her again. “Appreciate it,” he told her.
    Justin shook his head. “Man, you and that pathetic doe-eyed
look. You fucked me again.” Justin punched Kasey on the arm and laughed.
    Kasey rubbed his shoulder. “It’s not my fault Kat has a soft
    Kat laughed at the byplay between the men. Their ease with
each other made any lingering discomfort she felt about the situation
    * * * * *
    After dinner Kat picked up what was left of the bottle of
tequila and looked at it. Holy crap they’d put quite a dent in it over dinner.
She took a step, swayed and giggled. Okay, apparently she’d done her part

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