breath, her body shaking in fury.
    'Calm the fuck
down!' he says, grabbing her arm, forcing her to sit down. 'Do you
really want to know what is my problem with you?' he asks, his jaw
clenching as he can hardly control himself from shouting back at
    'Yes, I'm
obviously a brain dead Barbie doll, that's why you hired me, right?
So, by all means, please enlighten me, boss.' she says with all the
sarcasm she can squeeze into one sentence.
    'I don't hate
you. I hate how much I want you.' he says, his face only a few
inches from hers.
    'What…? I… I
don't understand.' she manages to mumble in confusion.
    'I shouldn't
have hired you in the first place. Ever since I met you, I can't
think about you just as my assistant.' he loosens the grip on her
arm. 'All the girls I bring to my room? The only reason why I do
that is because I know I can't just go over to your room and show
you how badly I want you. I can’t stand that.' his hands brush
through her arms, from hands to shoulders. 'When I have to be this
close to you? It makes me weak and I can’t stand being weak.' she
shivers when his fingertips dance across the soft skin of her
collarbone. 'When you accidentally touch me? I feel like I can't
control myself. I can’t stand not being in control.' he says as one
of his hands gently grabs the back of her neck. 'So yes, if you
look at it like that… I can’t stand you, Hayley.' he says before
crashing his lips to hers.
    His kiss is
surprisingly gentle, his lips are so soft on hers. She can’t deny
she has imagined this moment a thousand times before. Hell, like
fantasizing about her boss while being around him during the day
isn’t enough, he invaded even her dreams just a few hours ago. But
it has never been like this, she’d have never thought he could be
like this. Even more perfect than she could have ever imagined.
When she finally kisses him back, he turns his head to deepen their
kiss, his tongue slowly sliding in, tempting hers to meet him.
    'Are you out of
your mind?' she breaks away from him, breaking his spell on her.
'You really are an asshole, Jackson.' she says, her voice quiet but
    'Yeah, so
people keep telling me that all the time. Listen, I'm sorry if I
misunderstood the signs.' he says, brushing through his hair with
both hands in agony.
    'What signs are
you even talking about?' she asks, just as confused.
    'Well, I don't
know, let me think. Maybe that you always open your door nearly
naked?' he points at her short to prove his point.
    'Says that the
man whose clothes don't let much to imagination?' she answers,
pointing at his cut off shirt that barely covers his chest and his
tight pants.
    'What about
your thigh that just brushed mine a few minutes ago? Happens way
too often to be an accident.' his voice’s dangerously deepening as
their argument is getting more and more heated.
    'God, you think
so much of yourself!' she nearly screams at him and stands up to
    'Oh really?' he
grabs her upper arm with force. 'I know how you look at me when you
think I'm not paying attention. I know the jealous expression on
your face everytime you see a girl leaving my room. I can feel you
eye-fucking me everytime you watch me perform on stage.' he says,
looking deep into her eyes. 'You bloody want me. You can deny it if
that helps you sleep better at night, but you're going to end up in
my bed sooner or later. Want it or not.' he finishes and lets go of
her arm, sitting back into his chair, turning away from her. Helps
her sleep better at night, huh? The irony isn’t lost on her just
    Much to his
surprise, a moment later he finds her right in front of him,
straddling his thighs, placing herself onto his lap. ‘You’re right,
I do indeed want you.’ she says and a satisfied look instantly
lights up his face. ‘That doesn’t change the fact that you’re an
asshole.’ she adds with a weak smile before she puts her arms
around his neck and kisses him. ‘You know…’ leaving his lips,

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