Rock with You (Risking It All)

Rock with You (Risking It All) by Rachel Lacey Page B

Book: Rock with You (Risking It All) by Rachel Lacey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Lacey
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napkins. A lot of it was crap, but some of it was decent. He felt a sizzle of excitement he hadn’t felt in months. With his coffee and cinnamon bun long gone, he stole one last glance at sweet Carly behind the counter, then stood and headed for the door.
    She watched him go.
    He raised a hand in her direction to say good-bye. Under different circumstances, he’d have asked for her number. But he wasn’t here to get laid. He was here to write music, nothing else.
    But make no mistake, sweet Carly was going to fuel his fantasies tonight.
    *  *  *
    Carly checked the weather report again on her phone. Freezing rain was supposed to start around six. She lived only ten minutes from the shop so she made the executive decision to close at five thirty. Then she could be home, safe and warm, before the roads started to get slick. She posted a message on A Piece of Cake’s website and Facebook page.
    Then she tapped her fingers against the countertop. The shop was deserted already. Maybe she’d rent a movie tonight, if she didn’t lose power. A chick flick, pajamas, and wine sounded like the perfect recipe for an icy evening alone.
    At least it might help take her mind off the bakery’s troubles. Closing early today wasn’t going to help her pay the bills. Neither was the lousy weather that had driven away most of her afternoon customers.
    The bakery’s phone rang, and she walked over to answer it. “A Piece of Cake Bakery. How may I help you?”
    She almost swallowed her tongue when she heard the butter-smooth voice on the other end of the line. “Yes?”
    “It’s Sam.”
    Sam. She felt herself grinning like an idiot. Why in the world was he calling her? And apparently she and Sam Weiss were on a first-name basis now? Holy crap. “Oh, Sam…hi.”
    “Do you make deliveries?”
    No. But for him? “Sure. When?”
    Um… “I’m closing early because of the weather, but I could drop something off on my way home if you live in town?”
    “Yeah, this rain is supposed to start freezing soon.”
    “I didn’t know.” His voice…it did all sorts of weird things to her insides, stirring her up and melting her down at the same time. “Never mind then. I don’t want to put you at risk.”
    Oh, no way was she missing out on this opportunity. “No, it’s fine. The roads aren’t supposed to get slick until later. What did you need delivered?” At least her voice wasn’t doing that Minnie Mouse thing this time.
    “Whatever you can spare,” he said. “I’ll take anything you’ve got.”
    Wow. Was he having a party or something? In this weather? “Okay. How many people are you feeding?”
    “I’ll take some of everything you have. I’m at 245 Twisted Branch Lane. And feel free to tack on a rush delivery fee, whatever you need. I appreciate it.”
    “No problem.”
    “Bye, Carly.” With a click, he was gone.
    Carly stood for a moment, staring at the phone. Had that really just happened? Sam Weiss was here in Haven, he was throwing some kind of party at his house, and he wanted her to bring the sweets? With, like, two minutes’ notice? None of it made any sense, but business had been slow today because of the weather, and she was struggling to turn a profit on a good day. So if he wanted to pay her for all of today’s leftovers, she would be happy to deliver them to him. And if it meant the chance to see his house and Sam himself again? All the better.
    In theory.
    In reality, she’d probably be shy and awkward, but either way, this would make an awesome-sauce story to tell her friends at their next Girls’ Night Out.
    She hustled into the back for delivery boxes, then set about filling them. An assortment of cupcakes. Honeyed pecan tarts. Several different kinds of cookies. Black forest brownies. Carrot cake bites. A whole candied lemon pie—why not? She slipped it into a box.
    In case any of his guests would be spending the night—and with the ice they were

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