Rock 'n' Roll is Undead (Veronica Mason

Rock 'n' Roll is Undead (Veronica Mason by Rose Pressey Page B

Book: Rock 'n' Roll is Undead (Veronica Mason by Rose Pressey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Pressey
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along for the ride. All I needed was a black pantsuit and crisp white shirt and I’d look like an FBVI agent. Oh, and possibly a gun. Alas, I had none of those at the moment. We stopped once we reached the building next to us.
    I jerked my arm away. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I asked between pants. I’d never been good at sprinting.
    “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t want that guy to see us.”
    “What guy? Are you a criminal?” I asked. “Should I be worried?”
    “Shh.” Buzz motioned with his hand for me to stop talking, then poked his head around the corner of the building. “Don’t move,” he whispered.
    “Whom,” I whispered, “are you hiding from? Or do you generally enjoy taking cover behind buildings with women you barely know?”
    He didn’t answer my question, instead he said, “Come on, we have to go around the back way. We’ll circle around and come back to your car.”
    Buzz grabbed my hand and tugged me along like a little rag doll. Running in heels should never be attempted. I was certain at any moment I’d bust my ass.
    “Your heels are loud,” he whispered.
    “What can I say? I hadn’t expected to go for a jog. If I’d known, I would have worn my sneakers.”
    The roughness from the bricks scraped against my back as I pressed next to the wall and inched along. Not only were my shoes inappropriate for this outing, so was my halter-top. Buzz motioned for me to stop, then after a few seconds, gestured that we could move forward again. Either the guy was insane or a criminal on the run from the feds. Either way, he was trouble with a capital T. What had I gotten into?

    Chapter 20
    “Whom are you hiding from?” I asked again, more forceful this time.
    “Um, just someone I don’t want to see.”
    “That doesn’t tell me much. The IRS? A telemarketer? A bookie you owe an insane amount of money? An annoying classmate from high school?”
    He avoided people like I avoided distant relatives during the holiday season.
    When we reached the edge of the building, Buzz peeked out. “This way.” He grabbed my hand again, pulled me across to the edge and toward the door beside him. Buzz yanked on the door and tugged me through as he went inside.
    “This is a little strange, don’t you think?”
    “Smile. You know you like living dangerously just a little bit.”
    “This is not living dangerously, it’s insane.” I grinned slightly, in spite of trying hard not to. “I’m not going another step with you unless you tell me who you’re running from. Don’t you think I deserve to know?” I stopped once we stepped inside the doorway.
    “I can’t do that. Now come on. We’ll find another door out of here and get back to your car.”
    “Or I could just go back out this door and leave you here.” With his secretiveness, he deserved for me to leave his good-looking butt there.
    “I’m sorry, Veronica. But what if the guy saw you with me? He’ll want to know where I am. I don’t want to put you through questioning from him.”
    Maybe I needed to talk to the guy since it seemed Buzz wasn’t going to tell me what the heck was happening. A long corridor stretched out in front of us. Doors lined each side.
    Buzz tugged on my hand again. “There’s probably another door at the end of this hall.” He held my hand, and damn, did it feel right. In spite of not knowing what the heck was going on, I had to admit, I liked the way his touch felt.
    I sighed. “Fine. I’m coming with you, but I don’t like your shenanigans.”
    “My shenanigans? There are no shenanigans.” He shook his head.
    I’d avoided a few people before, but never to this extent. Heck, my avoiding skills were better than average due to my high school classmate Kenny Marlin, but Buzz had me beat. Kenny had chased me all four years of high school. I was the queen when it came to avoiding him. One day I hid in my locker to get away from him and one of his numerous love notes

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