Roaring Up the Wrong Tree

Roaring Up the Wrong Tree by Celia Kyle Page B

Book: Roaring Up the Wrong Tree by Celia Kyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Kyle
Tags: Romance
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immaterial when compared to Trista’s safety.
    A large claw dug into his flesh and he turned his head, snapping at the leg of his assailant and sinking his teeth deep until he struck bone. That had the male backing off, but it left the way open for the wolf and Keen was quick to bat him aside. One wolf against a bear didn’t have a chance. But against her, against a half-hyena, there was no contest. The wolf would tear her to shreds.
    That’s not fucking happening.
    He glanced at Trista, noting her wide eyes and the stench of fear that flowed from her. Her attention flicked from him to just over his shoulder, cluing him in to another’s approach. He swung his head around while pushing to his back legs, preparing to defend against attack. This bear was the bigger of the two, a hint larger than Keen, but not quite as strong.
    Ty. His brother. His Itan.
    He should concede to him, acquiesce to his dominance. Except another nervous, bestial chuckle came from Trista and it enraged his bear anew.
    Without hesitation, he roared his displeasure and moved before her, blocking her from the other males completely. They would have to go through him to get near her and that would never, ever happen.
    The smaller of the two bears curled his lips, baring his fangs, and took a step forward only to be shoved back by Ty. At least one of his brothers was smart. Even the wolf hung back, his hungry gaze pinging between them all.
    Ty focused on him, black eyes meeting his own, and he refused to back down. Nothing— no one —would hurt her.
    Finally, his eldest brother tore his gaze from Keen’s and stared at Van for a moment before zeroing in on the wolf. A single growl from Ty preceded the males shifting, transforming in rapid cracks and snaps until three bloodied men stood before him.
    They were vulnerable now, easily killed. It’d take one swipe to gut them all. One swipe and—
    Trembling fingers dug into his fur, fisting his skin as her weight pressed against him. No, his first thoughts needed to be for Trista. Vengeance, more bloodshed, could come later. Right now both halves of his mind were in agreement. They needed to protect her. He couldn’t care for her as a bear and even his animal accepted that fact.
    With her touch, a peaceful calm overtook him, sliding through his veins and caressing him with a gentle touch. It soothed him now just as it’d calmed him when he’d held her last night. It started with a touch of fingers and he’d ended up with an armful of Trista. At least, until this morning when he woke alone. Alone and easily enraged.
    His beast’s power slithered to the back of his mind while nudging his human consciousness forward. In a breath, his transformation blew through him like a soft breeze. One moment he was a bloodied and battered bear and the next he was a stained and panting human.
    Trista’s hands hadn’t left him, her touch remaining through his change as if she were afraid he’d disappear on her. He wouldn’t. Not now, not ever. He’d made a commitment in his mind last night and it became a truth by standing against his brothers to ensure her safety. In that one instant, in that moment when he faced Ty and didn’t relent, he’d set himself on a new path.
    One that included her and not them.
    His bear was not upset by that fact. It accepted that the walls standing between him and his brothers remained steadfast and now higher than before.
    Reaching behind himself, he grasped one of Trista’s shaking hands and gave it a gentle squeeze, doing his best to reassure her without words. When the shakes lessened, he assumed she’d gotten the point.
    “Someone”—his voice was hoarse from his vibrating roars—“is going to explain why the Itan’s guest, my guest, was assaulted in my home.”
    He didn’t leave room for an argument and he sure as hell wasn’t going to take blustering bullshit from any of the men before him.
    “You’re defending one of them .” Van spat the word. “Do you know

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